The one-bedroom house is connected, through a terrace, to an existing multi-generational family home. With design provisions made for the eventuality of barrier free living, it is a place for the client to grow old, close to his loved ones. The parts
Located in Riviera, a Johannesburg suburb, the new library is to be a space for learning, investigation, and cultural exchange from the perspective of the African continent. Apart from the usual library program – including reading rooms and archives
Applying the principles of urban space to a small developing community, the facility provides spaces where guests can engage with one another as well as with the nature around. Both blocks of the hostel have an outer gallery that connects the modules
Part of a large-scale urban transformation project, this intervention is a response to the post-apartheid generation’s desire to introduce and adopt new models for living. Rising on a triangular plot of land, the building is formed by 140 shipping co
The grain silo of Cape Town had since the 1920s been used to store and process corn coming from different parts of South Africa. Over twenty years after it closed down, it has undergone an overhaul to house the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa
This house for children in need and volunteers helping them is part of a larger project: the masterplan that, under the name Village of Hope and on the initiative of the NGO Thembalistha, a group of students from the University of Stuttgart has been
Containing a laboratory and classrooms of Ithuba Skills College in Gauteng, in South Africa, this building was designed and executed by volunteers from Aachen University in the course of a semester that lasted two semesters. The volume is inspired in
Commissioned by the Provincial Government, this high school goes up in Khayelitsha, one of the largest informal settlements in South Africa, located on the outskirts of Cape Town. The population density in this area is very high, and its half a milli
Una densa envolvente de lamas de madera de caucho reviste un edificio que, ubicado en un barrio informal, inspira su programa en la ética africana del ‘ubuntu’.
La búsqueda de un modelo replicable y el uso de materiales sencillos han determinado este pabellón asistencial, en cuya construcción se empleó mano de obra del lugar.
Situado donde tuvo su origen una civilización aborigen de la Edad de Hierro, formando hoy parte de un Parque Nacional, el centro refleja las formas y materiales del paisaje local.
Como una flor de pétalos angulosos asomada al lago North End, el campo Nelson Mandela cuenta con una cubierta plegada en la que las áreas opacas alternan con las translúcidas.
Como un fanal translúcido de volumen ovalado y cubierta en forma de silla de montar, el estadio se integra como un elemento artificial en el paisaje del Cabo de Buena Esperanza.
La tercera ciudad del país, cosmopolita y portuaria, se ha dotado con un estadio de fuerte carga simbólica: un arco que unifica las etnias y homenajea en planta a la bandera.
En el corazón de la Ciudad del Fútbol, los vivos colores y la forma de vasija del Estadio Nacional identifican el escenario principal del Mundial 2010, situado entre Johannesburgo y Soweto.
Rising on a narrow corner lot, highly visible in the city, the building adopts the form of a concrete ellipse with the vertical circulation elements flowing along the perimeter and a skin made of aluminum slats.
The dry south African plateau of Highveld, which evens out the surroundings of the city of Pretoria, was the site chosen to build the first prefabricated residence carried out by the firm Zenkaya, also the name given to the house. Contained in a slen
A diez kilómetros al sur del aeropuerto surafricano de East London se emplaza un enclave desde el que se puede observar las gargantas por las que desciende el río Igoda y las inmensas playas de dunas del océano Índico. La belleza de este lugar, situa
At approximately one hundred kilometers north of Cape Town, on the African west coast, is Langebaan Lagoon, a small sheltered inlet dotted by white low-lying summer houses which compose a typically Mediterranean landscape. Seeking the afternoon light
Based in Cape Town, Dillon Marsh uses photography to explore the relationship between humans and the world around us. In his series titled For What It's Worth, he combines photographs and computer-generated digital elements in documenting the remains
If for the architects of modernity silos were an iconic reference, for architects of today they are a mark of the past, and something to act upon. This is true for the British Thomas Heatherwick, who working on a 1920s grain silo in Cape Town (South
Por primera vez en la historia, la cadena de televisión ESPN/ABC ha retransmitido en directo todos y cada uno de los partidos del Mundial de Fútbol 2010 celebrado en Sudáfrica, que se han seguido desde los hogares, los bares y hasta los ordenadores e
De los diez estadios que han sido escenario de los partidos del campeonato mundial de fútbol destacan los construidos en cuatro de las más importantes ciudades sudafricanas.
Situado en el surafricano Parque Nacional de Mapungubwe, el Centro de Interpretación proyectado por el arquitecto de Johanesburgo Peter Rich está inspirado en la arquitectura vernácula, en el paisaje y en la riqueza arqueológica del lugar. El edifici
Las primeras elecciones libres y democráticas celebradas en Suráfrica en 1994 marcaron un momento de gran expectación, también para la arquitectura. De manera parecida al proceso experimentado por España y Portugal en los años setenta, Suráfrica se d