A work of Grand Huit – a cooperative of architects led by Julia Turpin, Marine Kerboua, and Clara Simay –in collaboration with the landscaper Melanie Drevet, this project is part of an effort to mobilize residents and neighborhood associations in the
The Germina Foundation is a non-profit institution dedicated to integration and complementary learning experiences for children at risk of social exclusion. Since its creation in the year 2004, the institution has grown and extended its activity, and
La participación de la comunidad ha permitido el desarrollo de estas viviendas, que cumplen los requisitos básicos de habitabilidad sin contradecir las tradiciones.
The orphanage was built with a technique, never before used, that involves baking the building’s mud structure, to later use it as an oven for making ceramic elements and materials.
Built with traditional building materials and techniques, this new training center intended specially for women is an oasis of peace and education in a very underprivileged context.
The challenge of this small library in the old marketplace of a Bangkok slum was not so much to deal with a scant budget as to involve an unmotivated community in building it.
Unlike traditional water structures, where the posts dig into the bottom of the lake or river, this school floats. It was built with sustainability strategies by a poor community of Lagos.
With a strong social component and the prized resource that water is in a leading role, a modest project for landscape regeneration also seeks to foster a sense of community.
Wood extracted from the cinnamon tree, a Sumatran symbol, was used to build the structure of a large pergola as well as to execute the intricate details of a small training center.
Construida con técnicas tradicionales y materiales locales como el barro y el bambú, esta escuela de formación profesional reinterpreta la arquitectura vernácula bangladesí.
Zootropo, the first prize in the competition organized by the Fundación Konecta, is a self-sufficient container formed by four modules measuring three meters wide and three long. Though initially it was conceived as a basic dwelling unit, its capacit
Una densa envolvente de lamas de madera de caucho reviste un edificio que, ubicado en un barrio informal, inspira su programa en la ética africana del ‘ubuntu’.
La búsqueda de un modelo replicable y el uso de materiales sencillos han determinado este pabellón asistencial, en cuya construcción se empleó mano de obra del lugar.
Destinado a un programa de asistencia a las mujeres, el edificio se ha concebido a partir de estrategias bioclimáticas y construido con técnicas sencillas y materiales reciclados.
Situado en un barrio muy pobre, protegido por una gran cubierta y construido con materiales locales, el edificio está destinado a la concienciación sobre los derechos de la mujer.
Con técnicas constructivas tradicionales de la región —tierra apisonada y bambú— y la participación como mano de obra de los vecinos de la aldea se ha levantado una escuela rural.
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Empresas Públicas de Medellín (public companies of Medellín) the entity donated eighty million dollars to the Town Hall for the construction of ten public schools and the refurbishment of the 132 existin
Underscoring the social role that the church should play, two Latin American projects set themselves apart from the most common typologies and materials in religious architecture to respond both to the demands of worship as well as other functions wh
In a context of rapid urban growth, Vo Trong Nghia defends an architecture based on local knowledge, communion with nature, and social commitment.
Work in underprivileged contexts is a field for experimenting with new ways of conceiving architecture which are more open, participatory, and distanced from global ‘show business’.
‘Think global, act local’: the ecologist motto, made popular during the 1970s but with roots in the work of pioneers like the urbanist Patrick Geddes or the engineer Buckminster Fuller, encourages us to combine environmental awareness with community
Denominada ‘la Zona Cero del sida’, el distrito de Rakai, en Uganda, fue el lugar donde se diagnosticó el primer caso de la enfermedad en 1982. Proyectado por Koji Tsutsui, el orfanato allí emplazado es fruto del compromiso de una ONG para ayudar a a
Anne Lacaton y Jean Philippe Vassal, pareja de arquitectos y profesores franceses, finalistas del Premio Mies van der Rohe en 2003 y 2007 y galardonados con el Grand Prix d’Architecture en 2008, se dieron a conocer cuando, tras serles encargada la re
El joven arquitecto chileno expone la situación de su país tras el terremoto de febrero de 2010, narra la experiencia del ‘do tank’ Elemental, y se define como gestor de incertidumbres.
Burkinés de origen, Kéré se formó como arquitecto en Alemania y su primera obra fue una escuela para su aldea; su lema ‘ayuda para ayudarte’ resume la esencia de la solidaridad africana.
The classics advise not to wish for roses in winter. Our world, however, is built with desires out of season, and those undue appetites govern markets and lives. The temperature of consumption controls financial fluxes and libidinal economy, in a net