Library for the Old Market Community of Min Buri
TYIN Tegnestue 
Library for the Old Market Community of Min Buri

Library for the Old Market Community of Min Buri

TYIN Tegnestue 

Just fifty square meters and executed at a cost of 3,600 euros, this small library is situated in Min Buri, a poor district of the city of Bangkok. It is sheltered within a market building over a century old, the poor state of preservation of which determined one of the project’s main requirements: the library’s structure had to be self-supporting. The other requirement was to enable it to deal with floods caused by the swelling of the canal on whose bank it sits; a problem which was solved by raising the level of the floor by 60 centimeters. Recycled materials were used in the construction of the library, which involved the active participation of members of the local community. The shelves were made with wooden boxes left over from previous projects, and the loadbearing frame was erected with quality timber obtained second-hand in the local market. Wrapping up the program is a small study room and an exterior pergola that shields the building from the harsh tropical sun.

Obra Work

Biblioteca para la comunidad de Min Buri Library for the Old Market Community of Min Buri, Bangkok (Thailand).

Arquitectos Architects

TYIN tegnestue Architects / Kasama Yamtree, Pasi Aalto, Andres Grontvedt Gjertsen, Yashar Hanstad, Magnus Henriksen, Erlend Bauck Sole.

Colaboradores Collaborators

CASE Studio Architects.

Fotos Photos

Pasi Aalto/