The north terminal, inspired by the mountains in the backdrop of the station, is a geometric response to the vaulted system of the south terminal. In both cases, the double-height floors offer visual and spatial continuity with the exterior…
The roof has two slanted surfaces clad with stone that generate a passive control system thanks to their form and thermal inertia, evoking at the same time the topography of Urubamba valley.
The metal roof, a reinterpretation of the Greek agora, presides the garden and marks the start of the stoa, which functions as an axis through the park, the existing building, the historic courtyards, and the exhibition spaces...
The geometry of the museum is inspired by traditional Danish fortresses. This silhouette generated by the roof – which rests on stone walls of dimensions similar to those of the old wall – merges the new building into the rolling landscape...
Through its hypostyle envelope, the museum sets a physical, visual, and spatial relationship with the built city and nature. The complex adopts several scales, dividing it into precise pieces that rest sensitively on the landscaped fabric...
A rhythmic roof of concrete beautifully poured on the site culminates the transformation of an old brewery into the home of the Iranian capital’s first independent museum. Elaborately bonded walls complete and enhance the remains of a 1920s manufactu
Within the Alder Hey children’s hospital in Liverpool, this facility offers counseling and services to anyone affected by the death of a child. A 2016 competition organized by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) was won by the firm Allfo
The stadium of Basel’s local football team, originally designed by Herzog & de Meuron and completed in 2002, will be renovated by the same Swiss firm. In the refurbishment project, photovoltaic panels replace the translucent bulging plastic eleme
As Bachelard said, the dreams that transport us back to childhood sometimes gravitate around the house in which we felt protected, the ‘topography of our intimate being.’ So it is that the special affection three siblings feel for the home they grew
With its angular forms clad in Robinia wood, the new kindergarten of a small coastal village evokes the image of traditional fishermen houses in the historical province of Scania. Located between the beach and the village, the new center for early ed
In the city of Nacajuca, in the Mexican state of Tabasco, stands the House of Music designed by Colectivo 733 (Gabriela Carrillo, Eric Valdez, Israel Espín, José Amozurrutia, Carlos Gacio). The community center reuses the foundations of a previous bu
The tea factory is located in a rugged area of steep slopes and tropical flora. Hence the decision to apply the strategy of embedding the entire program into the mountain, and covering it with an artificial hill: a formation of stepped green roofs. W
While Cecil Rhodes dreamt of stringing together Britain’s African colonies with a train that traveled from Cairo to Cape Town, the governments of the American nations had the similar vision of strengthening ties across the New Continent; and although
The unobstructed space inside a shed with a striking roof is home to a school for environmental studies that uses the building itself as a lesson on sustainability. Exemplifying restrained use of forest resources, the structure of V-forming pillars w
The uniformity of globalized China has not altogether marked the region of Guanxi, home to an ethnic group – the Zhuang people – of deep-rooted customs, isolated amid steep karst mountains. Against this imposing backdrop, in 2004 the film director Z
A crematorium is an important public building. It has, however, a conflicted attitude towards self-expression, torn between its technical content and its ceremonial character. To overcome this, the building is designed as a big inclined table, of whi
The Japanese firm SANAA, founded by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, has won the competition to build the Maritime Museum in the Dapeng area of the city of Shenzhen. Its scheme, titled ‘The Cloud on the Ocean,’ was one of 88 entries that came from 2
In the framework of a national effort to revitalize vulnerable urban areas, a market raised by means of a low-cost building system aspires to become a neighborhood’s nerve center. The edifice takes on the solid but permeable character of traditional
A semi-exterior void forms a public square for the enjoyment of students of the Kanagawa Institute of Technology, a university center which had no hesitations assigning this new project to the architect who had completed some dazzling workshops on th
By the course of the River Peyne, a spectacular inverted dome pierced by round courtyards shapes the Pézenas spa resort, whose design is inspired by the rocky surroundings and by the traditional Japanese thermal baths... [+]
Amid dense vegetation and over the parking garage of a building that was demolished, sixty ovals varying in geometry and size rise to contain coworking spaces. The new Second Home in LA goes up on top of an underground parking and maintains a two-sto
Built in 1930, the Mercado de Abastos has always been one of the most significant buildings of Temuco, not only because of its dimensions and privileged urban location in the central city grid, but also for its social importance. The building, which
Viettel Academy Educational Center is in a training campus at Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park, thirty kilometers from Hanoi. With classrooms, meeting rooms, halls, offices, and temporary housing, the center provides accommodation and training courses for the st
In modern cities, miles of unused flat rooftops await a new function. In Rotterdam alone we have over 18 square kilometers of unused flat roof. That must change, and the rooftops can provide the space to realize the housing challenge, energy transiti
The citizen of the 21st century demands to live in an ever more ecological and sustainable environment, where transportation is provided with vehicles that pollute less, where the air that one breathes is cleaner, where large parks and gardens abound
Mobile structures which at first were thought out to be transportable began to be built just after World War II. If we study the work of two of the most important figures in this matter, Buckminster Fuller and Emilio Pérez Piñero, we see that the str
Junto al Museo en Monteagudo (véase AV Monografías 147-148) y el embarcadero de El Hornillo (véase Arquitectura Viva 136), la intervención en el Parque Arqueológico del Molinete en Cartagena es la tercera de las obras concluidas recientemente en Mur
Profetas en su patria, Herzog & de Meuron son los autores de la rehabilitación del Museo de las Culturas de Basilea. Construido en 1849 sobre el solar de un antiguo monasterio, el Museo fue el primero de su tipo en la ciudad, y alberga una colección
En el centro geográfico del Valle de Aburrá, entre los cerros Nutibara y Volador de la ciudad colombiana de Medellín destaca una singular cubierta metálica que alberga los coliseos para los IX Juegos Deportivos Sudamericanos que se han celebrado el p
Situado junto a la carretera que une Castellón y Benicasim, la nueva sede del grupo Azahar —que compagina los servicios de jardinería, reciclaje y consultoría con el patrocinio del arte y la cooperación— debía ser reflejo del compromiso medioambienta
El particular emplazamiento del edificio —un solar en considerable pendiente situado justo en el límite entre la Sierra de Collserola y la trama urbana de la Ciudad Condal—, y la claridad y especificidad del programa —una clínica oftalmológica—, han
La transformación de una antiguo castillo en museo de arte se centra en el respeto a la ruina para fundirse con el lugar y en una cubierta que revela su condición contemporánea.