Hotel & spa resort, Pézenas
Sou Fujimoto Architects 

Hotel & spa resort, Pézenas

Sou Fujimoto Architects 

By the course of the River Peyne, a spectacular inverted dome pierced by round courtyards shapes the Pézenas spa resort, whose design is inspired by the rocky surroundings and by the traditional Japanese thermal baths... [+]

Cliente Client

Groupe GGL + Opalia Urban Workshop

Arquitectos Architects

Sou Fujimoto Architects: Sou Fujimoto (socio encargado partner in charge); Sou Fujimoto, Marie de France, Naganobu Matsumura, Shintaro Honma, Cesar Marquez; Damien Bayol, Sofie Askholm Ibsen —antiguos empleados former staff— (equipo project team)

Superficie construida Built-up area

13,500 m²

Superficie total Total floor area

5,200 m²