(Bonn, 1961)
El prototipo de pasarela se construye con piezas de hormigón impreso en 3D sin armar, lo que asemeja su comportamiento a las estructuras tradicionales de piedra, resolviendo los esfuerzos a través de la geometría y no con la acumulación de materiales
The north terminal, inspired by the mountains in the backdrop of the station, is a geometric response to the vaulted system of the south terminal. In both cases, the double-height floors offer visual and spatial continuity with the exterior…
Rising 216 meters and 62 floors, this residential skyscraper is located on Biscayne Boulevard, opposite Museum Park, site of Miami’s new museums
In Daxing District, 46 kilometers south of Tiananmen Square, is the world's largest terminal in a single building, designed by Zaha Hadid, who died in 2016. Daxing International Airport was built to decongest the Chinese capital's airport at Chaoyang
Composed of three towers which vary in height, the complex generates public space in the interior and uses its lines to create areas connected by green zones.
The calligraphy of ramps climbing up the terraces of the park continues in the sinuous folds of a neat envelope, executed with panels of concrete and polyester.
A huge cultural complex in Seoul, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza, is the first public building in Korea ever to be designed with the help of BIM (Building Information Modeling, see Arquitectura Viva 158). Through this system, the project’s highly comple
In this proposal, the cohesion of the new public space is the main priority. It defines the ground floor as a continuous landscape from which a central plaza covered by the building arises…
In 1998 the Special Superintendency for Contemporary Art, by appointment of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, convened an international competition for the design of the first National?Arts Center of Italy, devoted to the exhibition and preservation
El Museo Nacional de las Artes del siglo XXI es el primer museo público de Italia dedicado a la creatividad contemporánea. Su sede se encuentra en el barrio romano de Flaminio, sobre unos antiguos terrenos militares en los que aún quedan algunos cuar
Two interweaving bands house the program. With an itinerary that goes from the exterior’s straight lines to the sculptural character of the interior, the piece is organized around a large covered plaza…
La base del diseño del nuevo edificio ha sido el análisis de su contexto urbano. Así, un ámbito público en su interior sirve de antesala a los juzgados y como tránsito de lo abierto a lo cerrado. El volumen, dinámico y elástico, se configura mediante
Proposed as one of the main gateways to the premises, the Bridge-Pavilion connects the neighborhood of La Almozara, on the right bank of the Ebro River, with the Expo Zaragoza fair grounds. A hybrid combination of bridge and exhibition pavilion, the
En el año 1906 entró en funcionamiento el funicular Nordpark, conocido como Hungerburgbahn, que unía el centro de Innsbruck con la pequeña población de Hungerburg situada al norte, en medio de las montañas. Un año antes de cumplir su centenario se ce
Emplazado en el distrito financiero de Dubai, aspirante a convertirse en uno de los más importantes del mundo, el proyecto apuesta por añadir grados de dificultad al rascacielos aislado, dibujando tres torres entrelazadas en las que se disponen vivie
Como si fueran las líneas de fuerza de un campo magnético, las trayectorias de circulación del entorno y las nuevas vías subterráneas confluyen en una afilada torre de oficinas que constituye la imagen del conjunto. Se genera así una topografía artif
Surrounded by three new significant buildings (the town hall, the municipal assembly and the national opera house), this oriental Guggenheim is designed as a linear and elongated piece that is crossed from side to side and that performs as a link bet
Hubertus Adam Durante muchos años, las muestras florales estuvieron marcadas con el sello inexorable de lo pequeño burgués. II faut cultiver notre jardin, se decía en francés: el pueblo, que poco antes se había lanzado a dominar toda la Tierra, de re
As many as 300,000 people crossing the border between continental China and Hong Kong on a daily basis are served by Huanggang Port Area, a strategic enclave for which the London-based firm Zaha Hadid Architects has drawn up a highly ambitious regene
The firm founded in London by the late Zaha Hadid and now headed by Patrik Schumacher has in the skyscraper district of Dubai just completed Hotel Opus ME, one of those buildings whose hollows perhaps cost more than their solid parts. Contorted to th
When she died in 2016, the most optimistic foreboded a slow death for Zaha Hadid’s studio, and the doomsayers, immediate cessation. Neither one thing nor the other came to pass: the office now run by Patrik Schumacher has not only managed to complete
The first gates of cities were the triumphal arches through which enlightened governments sought to imitate ancient Rome; later, the grand foyers of train stations, true monuments of the industrial city. Today we have the airports, symbols of global
Zaha Hadid's Beijing Airport
Many predicted that the death of Zaha Hadid – quintessential example of signature architecture – would compromise the future of her studio.They were wrong: almost three years after the British-Iraqi succumbed to a heart attack, Zaha Hadid Architects
Architecture parlante was an invention of French architects of the Enlightenment by which buildings explained their functions through their forms, tying up the rational with the expressive. From this arose projects of Étienne-Louis Boullée and Claude
What Nietzsche said to the effect that the purpose of philosophy lies in its going againt the current in an inopportune way could be relevant to Patrik Schumacher’s The Autopoiesis of Architecture, a book that is inopportune in length – 1,234 pages o
Después de treinta meses de construcción, acaba de finalizarse el complejo Galaxy Soho (arriba) de Zaha Hadid y Patrick Schumacher: 330.000 metros cuadrados en el distrito pekinés de Dongcheng que se destinarán a usos comerciales, entretenimiento, of
En apenas dos semanas la oficina de Zaha Hadid y Patrick Schumacher ha presentado dos grandes proyectos para El Cairo: un conjunto de oficinas llamado Stone Towers y un recinto ferial de 450.000 metros cuadrados construidos, Cairo Expo City, que do