1948 (France)
There are moments when it feels like we are at a turning point. Moments in which the insight and ingenuity of certain architects, their perseverance, the determination of a few builders, and certain changes in the collective imagination open up other
Jacques Herzog For a young architect at the beginning of his career it is a challenging moment to see the widely admired work of established colleagues, often with a mixture of disdain and admiration. For my generation this moment was in the 1980s, a
On 5 April death befell the French architect Bernard Schoeller, known for his work in the studio of the Arsène-Henry brothers, with whom he carried out a lot of social housing as well as the third of the skyscrapers at La Défense in Paris: the 100-me
The French architect Michele Andrault passed on 5 April in Montrouge, just five months after Pierre Parat, with whom he formed a duo in 1957 that would be highly successful in the period 1960-1980. Together they carried out numerous projects, includi
Je suis enfin, depuis deux heures, en possession de ces kilos de réflexion que j’ai été chercher en autobus dans un dépôt UPS au fin fonds de ma triste banlieue (on y vend aussi des DVP, essentiellement pornographiques tant est grande, ici, la misère
Le Corbusier continues to pass from lights to shadows. In 2015, the 50th anniversary of his death coincided with the publication of three books written by François Chaslin, Xavier de Jarcy, and Marc Perelman that examined his links to the Vichy regim
The Cité Judiciaire serves to centralize a vast network of courthouses in a tiered tower that rises a hundred and sixty meters, and is already an icon of the new neighborhoods of Paris.
Twelve years after the publication of Le Corbusier’s correspondence with August Perret, and nine after that of his epistolary exchange with the painter Charles L’Eplattenier (his teacher in La Chaux-de-Fonds), Marie-Jeanne Dumont presents Le Corbusie
Half a century after his death, Le Corbusier still stirs the waters of debate. The major exhibition held at the MoMA in 2013 emphasized the landscaping aspect of an oeuvre that tends to be perceived as being removed from context; the no less importan
Was Le Corbusier a fascist? This is the question that has made headlines thanks to a combination of events. On the one hand, the opening of the grand exhibition that the Centre Pompidou in Paris devotes to Le Corbusier on the occasion of the fiftieth
In its year as European Capital of Culture, Marseille’s urban redevelopment projects have aligned with the construction of exceptional buildings.
Architecture is in anguish, it teeters; it is in danger of dissolving, fragmenting and dispersing into other professions. It is a death threat that is part of the general course of the world. What will then remain of this occupation, of its old glory
In partnership with Alexis Josic and Shadrach Woods, Georges Candilis undertook major social and urban projects in which modular rigor was put at the service of flexibility and adaptability.
Traditionally associated with public bids and big companies, French architecture has in the past decade enriched itself with diverse and experimental languages.
En su obra contenida y respetuosa con la memoria y el genio de los lugares, Roger Diener propone un concepto contemporáneo del decoro concebido como una dimensión de lo común.
Continuando la veterana colección Documenti di architettura, la Editorial Electa nos obsequia en su volumen 183 con otra cuidada monografía de un arquitecto universal. Se trata en este caso del segundo volumen de las obras completas del japonés Tadao
Los objetos fractales, aquellos de geometría autosimilar, fueron inventados en los años setenta por Benoît Mandelbrot; su desarrollo coincidió con el de la teoría del caos, y la de las catástrofes, así como con el deconstructivismo.
La más importante institución francesa para la exposición de arte moderno y contemporáneo abre al público su nueva sucursal en provincias: una gran carpa bajo la que se apilan tres cajas de hormigón que enmarcan los hitos de la ciudad.
La muerte de Claude Lévi-Strauss con más de cien años ha dado lugar a infinidad de comentarios entre los que faltaba, quizás, un punto de vista desde la arquitectura y la ciudad. Una ciudad de la que Lévi-Strauss había escrito en Tristes trópicos, e
Hay un género de literatura científica que viene desarrollándose desde hace algunos años, se trata de ‘el libro sobre el libro', el libro sobre la génesis de un libro, incluso de una conferencia. Por ejemplo, a partir de manuscritos, de fragmentos, d
Is Dominique Perrault France’s best architect? It would be tempting to say so if the Pritzker had not first gone to Portzamparc and Nouvel, both of whom are about ten years older. French? Without a doubt. In certain ways, so are the latter two. All t
Allí estaba Ieoh Ming Pei, un poco más encorvado que anteriormente, pero apenas; un poco más lento, con su bastón como el cetro de un anciano sabio, el rostro moteado, siempre con la sonrisa burlona de un hombre que mira a los demás con condescendenc
La Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine ocupa toda una ala del Palacio Chaillot, frente a la Torre Eiffel. Antaño albergaba una voluminosa colección de vaciados, constituida bajo una idea de Viollet-le-Duc con el objetivo de celebrar ese arte medi