Located in the countryside close to Guangzhou in the south of China, the Mirrored Gardens project wishes to create a space where contemporary art, daily life, and agriculture come together and overlap. Being immerse in the countryside, far from the c
The artist Olafur Eliasson (Copenhagen, 1967) has installed five reflective spheres at the east entrance plaza of San Francisco’s Chase Center, new home of the Golden State Warriors, the city’s basketball team. Each measuring 4.8 meters in diameter,
Built in reinforced concrete, the contemporary art museum goes up as the central element in a new cultural park that recovers an old industrial area in the city of Taizhou.
Imagined from the beginning as a private museum with multiformat content, SOLO is a space in permanent change. The design of the place is developed in parallel with the construction of the art collection that it houses. It is a space that is intimate
Hermético desde la distancia pero translúcido en la cercanía, el edificio abriga bajo una envolvente tejida de madera seis galerías expositivas y un jardín de esculturas.
Aiming to promote interaction and communication between the different academic departments and students, the programs are organized in terraces, with stacked slabs that let natural light flood the interior spaces... [+]
The redevelopment of the campus includes a school of art and a new museum, next to the existing buildings by Mies and Moneo and the Noguchi sculpture garden. The museum is characterized by porosity and a curved roof that lets natural light enter in a
Seven cutouts favor natural ventilation and lighting, connecting horizontally and vertically the almost 12,000 square meters. The building houses the visual arts departments and is adjacent to another project by the same architects: the Art Building
What is the point of a Schaulager, of a building in which art is stored but still accessible to the public? What ideas about art and collection strategy does it involve, and what is the best architectural and urban concept for it? The brief: a wareho
This house is located in a residential area made up of small plots; its basically rectangular outline rises from the street to a meadow that remains still undeveloped. The more visible volume of the house is a single-story and elongated parallelepipe
Two publishers of the Penguin Group and another of the Planeta – the latter with two titles – compete in bringing art closer to the general public. For this they use different literary tools and take distinct approaches, but all four books reviewed h
The art market is a good example of the conspicuous consumption theorized by Thorstein Veblen in The Theory of the Leisure Class, and two recent texts by outsiders document the extremes of ostentation, fraud, and opacity reached in our time. Orlando
The historian Pedro García Martín culminates his tetralogy on images at the same time that Annie Leibovitz’s portraits of the King and Queen of Spain are on display, and this happy autumnal coincidence triggers commentary on depictions of power. In S
After sojourns in Alcoi and Avilés, it is the turn of the Valencian Institute of Modern Art to host the complete exhibition that commemorates the centenary of the birth of Juana Francés, the only female member of El Paso, a collective of Spanish abst
Female creators have been relegated to the second row of history, and in its firm endeavor to give them center stage, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid presents the first retrospective on the German Gabriele Münter ever to be put together in Sp
In the wake of the enormous success of a similar anthology held in its New York base, the Guggenheim Museum brings to Bilbao the oeuvre of Hilma af Klint, the Swedish artist and mystic who, inspired by her devotion to theosophy, can perhaps be consid
Vitruvius laid it down that the first requirement of architecture was the firmitas of its material construction, but he did not forget that buildings and cities, and the lives of their inhabitants, are also made of components that cannot be seen, tou
Aby Warburg (1866-1929) and his mythical Mnemosyne Atlas are essential references in the histories of art and visual studies. His influence on our work is evident in publications we have produced, from ‘Casa, cuerpo, crisis’ (AV 104, 2003) to ‘Pensar
They had no way of knowing it, but somehow they cut adrift from the 19th century by capsizing painting altogether, defying their contemporaries as in a boycott, turning their backs on the Academy and on all the canons. They did not actually baptize t
Surrealism is the longest-living ism, the only avant-garde movement that has withstood the turn into the 21st century. Surrealist today are Björk’s videos (with explicit references to Man Ray), fashion (such as the collections of Rei Kawakubo, the Ja
«Yo no tengo el Sena como Monet, tan solo la autopista entre Oklahoma y Los Ángeles». Es por ello que gasolineras y billboards de llamativas tipografías son el núcleo de la obra de Ed Ruscha, y la urbe californiana, su mayor fuente de inspiración. Ha
Ptolemy, the Greek pharaoh of Egypt, ordered the building of the Mouseion of Alexandria in the year 280 BC, and in doing this, what he was inventing was not so much a place where erudites could come to study under the sponsorship of the State, but ra
We tend to think that young people are rebels. In truth, all they want is a change of order. At no other age does one rely so much on peers for recognition in the face of a vague adversary. In the final analysis, what they pursue is a revolutionary i
During the 19th century, many creative individuals shared their aesthetic and social visions in communal projects that laid the foundations of contemporary artistic collectives.
Ever since the day he came across a camera in the Paris metropolitan raiway, JR – pseudonym of the street artist Jean René – has taken photographs in black and white and enlarged them to stick on walls of buildings for all to see, in a quest to make
The painting of a wild pig that was recently discovered in an Indonesian cave, believed to have been made 45,500 years ago, pushes back to that time the beginnings of figurative art; the history of art, however, is but a few centuries old. For Christ
It was the destiny of a modest magazine published during the Great War in the neutral Netherlands to revolutionize the visual arts with its abstractions, straight lines, and primary colors. And although Piet Mondrian was one of the ideologists of the
On view through 10 January at the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao, which has organized the exhibition in collaboration with the Barbican Centre in London, is the first retrospective show ever to be offered in Spain on the American abstract expressionist
The artist Christo Vladimirov Javacheff’s life ended on 31 May with an air so romantic as to seem unreal. He was born on 13 June 1935, the same day as his wife, Jeanne-Claude Denat. She was born in Casablanca, and he in Gabrovo (Bulgaria). How did th
In October 2019, French artist JR created a one-of-a-kind art activation within the walls of California Correctional Institution: Tehachapi in Southern California - a maximum security 4 facility. JR and his team captured the portraits and stories of
A historic agricultural enclave located in the southwest of France is the setting of one of the most extraordinary centers of artistic creativity in all of Europe.
The Danish artist reflects on the role of art in the Anthropocene world as his retrospective exhibition titled ‘In Real Life’ views at Tate Modern.
The Venezuelan artist, who died on July 27th, was an inventor of “kinetic art”. He spent most of his career in Paris...