(Olita, 1931)
With capacity for 500 spectators, the pavilion needs no auxiliary structures for rigidity, which is guaranteed by its form, designed also to ensure that the concert hall will offer a good acoustic performance.
The proposal consists of a plaza with a central water crater, covered by a huge torus that ensures the lower open space has adequate comfort conditions through shading, which will change throughout the day thus making the space dynamic.
En 1995 se creó la Qatar Foundation con el objetivo de impulsar la educación y el desarrollo científico del país. Esta institución encomendó a Arata Isozaki el diseño de un campus de más de 1.400 hectáreas a las afueras de Doha que alojara sucursales
Un patrón periódico formado por dos tipos de paralelogramos romboidales se aplica por igual para cubrir el espacio del solar, para generar los volúmenes edificados y para organizar las plantas, alzados y secciones de las viviendas. La cadena de edifi
Used to visiting architecture exhibitions in which buildings are interpreted through plans, drawings and models, the organizers of this event – CIPEA, China International Practical Exhibition of Architecture – tried to make a change and show building
Carlos Verdaguer Enfrentada a una cada vez más acuciante crisis económica y a un irreversible proceso de occidentalización, la opulenta sociedad japonesa está empezando a poner en cuestión un modelo de crecimiento desmesurado y desordenado, cuyos efe
The two projects assigned to Arata Isozaki, the C2 and C3 buildings, are located at the southeast end of the Daimler Benz complex, in a block formed by three blocks, of which the third is one of those developed by Renzo Piano. The outer boundaries of
El proyecto de Isozaki vuelve a cerrar el antiguo patio del edificio Victoria. Se levanta sobre la antigua puerta, consolidada, único resto de la antigua ala destruida, retirándose para dejarla exenta...
1931-2022 Arata Isozaki died on 29 December at 91. He did not have a readily recognizable style; his mood was pragmatic, even eclectic, and this turned him into the best representative of the rich variety that has characterized Japanese architecture
Taking at once from the latest in technology and from tradition, Isozaki created original buildings that very well reflected the spirit of the moment…
Arata Isozaki, a prolific Japanese architect, urban planner and theorist who received a belated Pritzker Architecture Prize at the age of 87, died on Wednesday at home in Okinawa. He was 91. His death was confirmed by his longtime companion, Misa Shi
Arata Isozaki The Hyatt Foundation gave the Pritzker Prize in 2019 to Arata Isozaki, master of Japanese architecture and bridge between West and East. Born in 1941, Isozaki studied at the University of Tokyo, where he met Kenzo Tange, who was a ke
The Hyatt Foundation has awarded the 2019 Pritzker Prize to Arata Isozaki, one of the masters of Japanese architecture, a bridge between the modernity imported from Europe on one hand, and eclectic international modernity on the other. Born in Oita i
La editorial Taschen nos tiene acostumbrados a libros de dimensiones descomunales, más aptos para el deleite con sus enormes fotografías y el estudio de sus planos en una mesa de trabajo que para su lectura pausada, algo para lo que, por otro lado, n
A mediados del siglo XIX, Japón inició un proceso de apertura que coincidió con su configuración como nación moderna y con el interés de los occidentales por su cultura y sus objetos. Desde entonces, la tensión entre las esencias del país asiático y
The promise and the risk of global culture have been expressed in Spain through three cosmopolitan feasts and a parochial funeral. The inauguration of the Domus in La Coruña, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona and the metro of Bilbao contras
The Alhambra of Granada was the backdrop of the awarding of the Aga Khan architectural prizes, which throw an unexpected light on the Islamic world.
Bilbao and Stockholm are the two poles of an architectural debate that has also emerged in the latest museum projects in New York City.
Once the competition for Potsdamer Platz had been decided and Hilmer & Sattler's solution had been ratified, the investing companies called for tenders for the development of their respective areas based on the solution presented by the winners.
Las dificultades financieras de Disney arrojan luz sobre la genuina naturaleza de sus parques de atracciones, auténticos macrocentros comerciales que sirven de núcleo a extensas operaciones inmobiliarias.
El entusiasmo ante los resultados del concurso fue enorme (concurso de la IBA en la Kochstrasse/Friedrichstrasse). Como presidente del jurado, Bächer hablaba del concurso de vivienda más importante desde 1945, y la revista Bauwelt, que en la duda sie