Obituaries  Art and Culture 

An art of freedom

Arata Isozaki, 1931-2022

Obituaries  Art and Culture 

An art of freedom

Arata Isozaki, 1931-2022

Kurt W. Forster 

National Convention Center, Doha (Qatar), 2006-2011

The architect who died at 91 shortly before the year’s end was a unique figure not only in his native Japan, but around the globe. Appearing like a character from a Kurosawa movie, he was ever ready to step into a new role, yet retain the qualities of past performances. He belonged to a culture miraculously able to counter the horrors of wartime with its industry, food, and aesthetics. Japanese cars, sushi, and films found worldwide appreciation long after Art Nouveau merged its fluidity with Japanese woodcut prints, and in recent years western graphic designers picked up the musive assembly of manga imagery...[+]

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