London, United Kingdom
In the context of the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale, focused on Africa, the triangular pavilion of dark wood designed by David Adjaye takes its place just outside the Arsenale. Kwaeε means forest in Twi, a dialect of the Akan language spoken by m
On Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, the Abrahamic Family House headquarters has been inaugurated. It embodies the historical bonds linking three Abrahamic religions – Judaism , Christianity, and Islam – and provides a platform for dialogue and coexisten
The new museum is located in the heart of historic city of Princeton University and will go up on the current site of the museum. The design is conceived as a “campus within the campus,” containing, aside from the exhibition area, Marquand Library, o
Located in Riviera, a Johannesburg suburb, the new library is to be a space for learning, investigation, and cultural exchange from the perspective of the African continent. Apart from the usual library program – including reading rooms and archives
The new museum and research center EMOWAA – Edo Museum of West African Art – is part of a program to revitalize the historic and cultural center of Benin City. The complex goes up by the Palace of the Oba, former residence of the governor and of the
The development of Saadiyat Island on Abu Dhabi’s northern coast is an ambitious tourist and cultural push to create a new center in the UAE capital. Besides various commercial and residential operations, the plan includes raising eight outposts of f
Located on 125th Street, one of Harlem’s main thoroughfares and co-named Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the new building seeks to push the museum typology to a new place through a fresh approach to both displaying and receiving art. The main façad
The recently refurbished gardens of the cemetery of Osu, a busy neighborhood east of the central district of Accra, is the site of the project for the new National Cathedral of Ghana. It will complete a ceremonial and scenic route through Osu Cemeter
Located in the Lower Manhattan financial district, near Tribeca and South Street Seaport, 130 William will rise 240 meters tall, making a bold architectural statement and a unique addition to Manhattan’s iconic skyline. The mixed-use high-rise is des
In the placid city of Winter Park, near Orlando, Martin Luther King, Jr. Park welcomes this civil and cultural center. As part of an extensive revitalization of the park, the new hub is in harmony with the unique tropical ecology of the site, and is
Part of an initiative of the non-profit developer Broadway Housing Communities, this mixed-use complex in the historic Sugar Hill district of Harlem sought to give the neighborhood new affordable housing options and also a cultural institution that w
Located on Germany’s largest river island, between arms of the Elbe River, is the Wilhelmburg quarter of Hamburg. This neighborhood is the scene of an initiative to carry out more affordable quality construction. In pursuance of principles of the kin
The aptly named Specere – ‘I am looking’, in Latin –, was promoted by the Forestry Commission and the Kielder Partnership as part of an ongoing Art & Architecture programme. It was created as a shelter for cyclists and as a superb viewpoint for visit
The De Beauvoir Estate is an area of semi-detached villas which have elegant proportions and shallow, hipped roofs. Unusually, for an area of this kind, a number of later workshop buildings have been added to the Victorian fabric and one of these is
This four-story building in Brooklyn houses the studios and offices of the artists Lorna Simpson and Jim Casebere. The front and side facades are clad in black polypropylene panels, while the rear is almost entirely made of glass. The canted profile
David Adjaye has designed the Barbados Heritage District, including a monument to serve as a reminder of slavery. The location is Newton Plantation outside Bridgetown, capital of the small Caribbean island country which recently became a parliamentar
In the heart of Hackney, a borough of northern London, on a triangular plot, stands this building designed for the contemporary artist Sue Webster to both live and work in. The owner envisioned her new home and workplace as something to be strongly t
In the third city of the UAE, the Al Manakh neighborhood will be the location of the new seat of The Africa Institute, the only organism in the Gulf devoted to studying the culture of African peoples and their relations with Arab countries. The proje
“The acropolis of consumerism.” This was the media’s pronouncement on opening day, in 1982, of an eight-floor bulk raised on an entire block between Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, and which has since provided Angelenos with high-end stores, popula
The new center of contemporary art in the city of San Antonio, in the state of Texas, was conceived by the artist and collector Linda Pace to house her own collection while completing a cultural campus that also features a large park and an auxiliary
This proposal reinterprets the original bandstand that was once the beating heart of the gardens in the late 19th century. The pavilion is the focal point of a system of stone-clad outdoor, indoor and in-between spaces, discreetly embedded into the l
The Museum’s new building – the outcome of an international competition – is on grand Constitution Avenue, a main axis of the United States capital, close to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Culture and the Washington Monument.
Concebido como un experimento expresivo y fenomenológico sobre el uso de los materiales, el pabellón, de planta elíptica y con ejes de doce y ocho metros, está construido en su totalidad con tablones y lamas de tulípero, especie escogida por su text
The artist has built a space for quiet contemplation in homage to his roofer father, but the materials seem too clean-cut and corporate to fit the idea. A tolling church bell has joined the summer sounds of birdsong and tinkling fountains in Kensingt
Luigi Pirandello premiered a century ago his most important play, Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore, a metatheatrical drama where six members of a family break into the rehearsals of Il giuoco delle parti, a comedy of the same author, and ask the dire
Inspired by the kilns of Stoke-on-Trent, the Chicago artist’s Black Chapel will host bands, including his own, and also provide ‘a place of quietude’ where even the British weather is welcome. The Serpentine Gallery’s annual summer pavilion will take
The Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, the highest distinction that can be given to a professional in the field in the United Kingdom, went to David Adjaye, one of the leading African architects in the international scene. Born
The architect David Adjaye discusses his plans for an institution to house the looted treasures on their to return to Nigeria. In 1897, the British Army violently raided Benin City in what is now Nigeria, seizing thousands of priceless artifacts know
130 William is the name of David Adjaye’s first skyscraper in New York City. The location is William Street, in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan. It is one of the oldest streets on the island. The project thus takes inspiration from the Big
Flanqueando el Mall de Washington se encuentra el conjunto museístico más importante del país, dirigido por el Instituto Smithsonian. A los 19 museos actuales se sumará en 2015 el Museo Nacional de Historia y Cultura Afroamericana, ganado en concurso
El arquitecto británico David Adjaye, con estudio en Londres, Berlín y Nueva York, ha realizado para el fotógrafo de arquitectura Ed Reeve una casa en De Beauvior Town, en el norte de Londres. Se trata de un volumen cúbico forrado de madera y dispues
Asociada durante largo tiempo a la high-tech de los cuatro británicos por excelencia —Foster, Rogers, Grimshaw y Hopkins—, o a la exuberancia futurista y formal de viejos vanguardistas —Cook, Future Systems, Alsop o Hadid—, Gran Bretaña ha asistido e
Nacido en Tanzania, educado en Londres y becado en Japón: David Adjaye resume en su biografía la esencia cosmopolita y mestiza de ese Londres que asiste desde la última década a una de las transformaciones más radicales del siglo. Junto con bares y t
In a London experiencing a once in a century restructuring, with the transformation of a succession of run down inner city slums from Clerkenwell to Hoxton into desirable urban neighbourhoods which have followed each other in quick succession to stak