Arquitectura Viva 266: architecten jan de vylder inge vinck

Preexistence and Persistence: Five Flamenco Works

Arquitectura Viva 266: architecten jan de vylder inge vinck

Preexistence and Persistence: Five Flamenco Works


architecten jan de vylder inge vinck, PC Caritas, Melle

The Ghent-based studio now presented in Arquitectura Viva has renamed itself with every shift of partners at the helm. In the chapter initiated by Jan De Vylder it maintained Inge Vynck and Jo Taillieu on board as associates, and now the first two continue a practice in which it is never easy to tell where exactly the role of one or the other begins and ends. But as the five featured interventions on existing constructions show, what endures is an understanding of design from the very essence of the profession, a deep love for detail, and the pursuit of beauty in imperfection.

The dossier of the issue presents four buildings designed by Japanese studios which, with their simple but creative logic, almost become games: the Zaishui Art Museum in Rizhao by Junya Ishigami+Associates; the Cultural Center in Ishinomaki by Sou Fujimoto Architects; the Yashima Mountaintop Park in Takamatu by SUO y Style-A; and the Culvert Guesthouse in Miyota by Nendo.

The Art/Culture section offers extracts of the speeches delivered by Ángela García de Paredes and Miguel Aguiló at their respective inductions into the Royal Acaedemy of Fine Arts, both of which touch upon the sensibilities shared by architecture and engineering. And the usual News and Books sections are complemented with a chronicle of the past decade, woven by Luis Fernández-Galiano on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Philip VI’s reign.

Order Arquitectura Viva 266

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