43 House, East Flanders (Belgium)
Jan De Vylder 

43 House, East Flanders (Belgium)

Jan De Vylder 

The renovation of a house for an artist has incorporated a sliding roof that can make the backyard an additional room between the main construction and the atelier located behind.

Vertical circulation is through a metal staircase that pierces through the dividing wall of the ground floor so as not to alter its continuity, and a folding one that connects the second level to the attic bedroom...[+]

Casa 43
House 43, East Flanders (Belgium)

jan de vylder architecten / Jan De Vylder, Trice Hofkens, Bert Van Boxelaere (equipo team)

Babel-Ingenieurscollectief  (estructura structure)

Bouwonderneming Verfaillie; Ducla (cubierta roofing); Koenraad Bruggeman, Gebroeders De Clercq (carpintería carpentry); L&C (electricidad electricity); Stroming (calefacción heating); Roose & Ternier (mobiliario furniture); Tuin- en landschapsarchitect Piet De Vylder (jardín garden)

158 m²

Filip Dujardin