Saint-Mandé Dwellings, Paris
MARS Architectes 

Saint-Mandé Dwellings, Paris

MARS Architectes 

The block, separated from the street by an eleven-story building, faces the restrictions of the site and addresses the environmental commitments of cities today with a wooden structure that reconciles technological innovation and aesthetics.

Behind the plant mass of the entrance, the block is organized through an open gallery strategy that makes it possible to design a run-through plan configuration for all flats systematically, allowing space expansion, corridor clearance, and effective natural ventilation.

Saint-Mandé Dwellings, Paris (France)

Cliente Client

Arquitectos Architects
MARS Architectes

Consultores Consultants
Scyna 4 (estructura structures); Sylva conseil (estructura de madera wooden structure); Axpacaal (ingeniería de fluidos fluid engineering); Teamor (electrotecnia electrical engineering); VPEAS (economía economy); Agence Lignes (paisajismo landscape design); Alternative (acústica acoustics); BTP consultant (agencia inspección técnica technical inspection agency); Technosol (ingeniería geotécnica geotechnical engineer); Brezillon/Bouygues (construcción construction)

Fotografía Photographs
Charly Broyez

Superficie Area