Ter House, Baix Empordà

Ter House, Baix Empordà


“Una casa come me” was the instruction that Curzio Malaparte gave Adalberto Libera when he contracted him to build the villa in Capri that Brigitte Bardot would immortalize walking down its stepped roof, wrapped in a bathrobe, in the Godard film. Equally personal is the commission for this house in Catalonia’s Baix Empordà, which like the mythical residence of the Italian writer exudes a Mediterranean essence and enjoys a vast horizon. A longitudinal terrace pierces the L-shaped volume, in the process forming a semi-outdoor space and structuring a liturgical promenade that culminates in a pool from which to contemplate a singular encounter of sea, field, and mountain.

The marked horizontality of the composition is unaltered by the addition of an upper-level bedroom, thanks to its being covered with a Catalan vault of clear references to architectures of the comarca, another allusion to which are the loadbearing walls clad in a mortar prepared with pebbles from the nearby river Ter and earthy ceramic pieces from La Bisbal, a local industry of great tradition.  

Obra Work
Casa Ter  

Arquitectos Architects

Consultores Consultants
Burgos Gasull (constructora contractor), Joan Capdevila (arquitecto técnico quantity surveyor)

Superficie construida Built-up area
250 m²

Presupuesto Budget
340.000 €

Fotos Photos
Salva López 

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