Conversion CPG Kesselhaus in Cham

Conversion CPG Kesselhaus in Cham


The project recovers the original spaces and materials from the industrial site, using a contemporary language for the new additions and rescuing the historic boiler house, the symbolic landmark of the factory and of great importance for the city...[+]

Conversion CPG Kesselhaus, Cham (Switzerland)

Cliente Client
Cham Immobilien AG

Arquitectos Architects
ARGE Boltshauser/Gmür Tammaro

Colaboradores Collaborators
Atelier Uschitamborriello (interior design); Carretta+Weidmann (construction management); CES Bauingenieur (structural engineering); R+B Engineering (electrical engineer); Haustechnik, Consultair (HLKS engineer); Planbar (gastroplanner); Zeugin Bauberatung (physics); Balzer Bauingenieure (fire protection); Boxler Engineering (MSRL); Recon Kälte-Consulting (commercial cold); Müller Illien (landscape); Emch+Berger WSB (area planning)

Imágenes Images
studio blomen

Fotografía Photographs
Kuster Frey