Multipurpose hospital buildings in Catalonia
PMMT Arquitectes- Type Health Hospital
- Date 2021
- Country Spain
- Photographer Del Río Bani
In the wake of research conducted in collaboration with Catalonia’s health system, the Barcelona firm PMMT was commissioned to design a prototype to be built close to hospitals as reinforcement for the regional medical network, in response to the pandemic that broke out in 2020. Two of the five multipurpose hospital buildings carried out are those near Hospital Arnau in Vilanova (Lleida) and Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona). Both were completed in February 2021, encompassing 4729 and 4067 square meters, respectively.
They are designed to take up as little land as possible and to ensure that clean and dirty circulation routes never cross. It took only 22 and 20 weeks to raise them, thanks to an industrialized modular system that guarantees flexibility, allowing for future layout changes. Through underground connections, each building uses the infrastructures of the hospital complex it is part of.

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Hospital Anau de Vilanova (Lleida)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Hospital Anau de Vilanova (Lleida)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Hospital Anau de Vilanova (Lleida)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Hospital Anau de Vilanova (Lleida)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona)

Multipurpose hospital buildings at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (Barcelona)