Floating Pool on the Spree River, Berlin
Fernando Menis Felipe Artengo José María Rodríguez Pastrana- Type Sport Swimming pool
- Date 2002 - 2004
- City Berlin
- Country Germany
- Photographer Torsten Seidel Uwe Walter

This project’s aim is to transform the river into a gathering place, a condition it had lost because industrialization had turned it into an unappealing and unhygienic place. Spreebruecke is thus planned as a bridge between the River Spree and Berlin’s inhabitants. It was this idea that inspired the intervention, which transforms a river barge into a swimming pool. The project combines conceptual and material recycling: not only does it make the most of local materials for economic reasons, but it also revives the memories of old traditions. The barge can be anchored at different places of the river and be filled with clean water thanks to the pipe at the bottom of the structure. Several studies had to be done to design the structure to resist the weight of swimmers, and to guarantee that it functioned as a pool, rather than a boat. For extra stability structural supports may be lowered into the water, ensuring that the surface movement allows safe conditions for swimming.
Later on Gilbert Wilk and Ana Salinas transformed the pool into a sauna with panoramic views for the winter seasons. The roof which was added covers the deck and pool, and permits maintaining water at a temperature of 24ºC.

Obra Work
Piscina flotante en el río Spree Floating Pool on the Spree River
Cliente Client
Stadtkunstprojekte e.V. Berlin GmbH, Kulturarena Veranstaltungs GmbH (Heike Catherina Müller)
Arquitectos Architects
Fernando Menis, Felipe Artengo, José María Rodríguez-Pastrana con Gilbert Wilk, Ana Salinas (cubierta roof)
Artista Artist
Suzanne Lorenz
Colaboradores Collaborators
Juan José Gallardo, José Perrera Marrero. IB AbTiWa, Barbara Krönert, Grünheide, Germanischer Lloyd, HHW+Partner, IB Leipold
Contratista Contractor
Ute Schimmelpfennig für m.o.l.i.t.o.r. GmbH
Presupuesto Budget
400.000 euros
Fotos Photos
Torsten Seidel; Uwe Walter