Trondheim, Norway
The challenge of this small library in the old marketplace of a Bangkok slum was not so much to deal with a scant budget as to involve an unmotivated community in building it.
Wood extracted from the cinnamon tree, a Sumatran symbol, was used to build the structure of a large pergola as well as to execute the intricate details of a small training center.
Rodeada de una vasta plantación de teca, la pieza se divide en dos partes diferenciadas: una zona íntima, delimitada por bloques de hormigón; y un ámbito, más permeable, donde se sitúan las áreas destinadas al baño. Una celosía de bambú cubre el paño
Using traditional building techniques, the classrooms of this small orphanage were raised with wooden structures prefabricated and assembled on site and then covered with woven bamboo canes.
At the ICO Museum in Madrid, ‘The Architect is Present’ documents the exemplary work carried out by five practices in contexts of extreme scarcity.
On view from 14 March to 18 May at the ICO Museum in Madrid is ‘The Architect is Present’, an exhibition that, in a paraphrasing of Marina Abramovic’s ‘The Artist is Present’ performance, takes stock of the work of five influential international prac
Situada al oeste del archipiélago indonesio, Sumatra es la sexta isla más grande del mundo, con casi 445.000 kilómetros cuadrados, y en ella se concentra una parte muy importante de la producción mundial de canela. Con el fin de promover el cultivo s