Secondary School in Vilablareix (Girona)
Barceló Balanzó Arquitectes  Sulkin Marchissio 

At the boundary between the residential and industrial areas of Vilablareix, a municipality in the eastern Catalonian comarca of Girónés, stands this educational center. A compact volume aligned with the street Marie Curie optimizes the orientation of the classrooms, and a smaller block set deeper into the site contains the gym and the dining room.

A prior space conceived as a public square serves as entrance to the school, and is able to take in the entire student body at peak flow times. The play area benefits from the south sun, while the north and west facades are consolidated. The permanent classrooms face north, whereas the complementary ones and the workshops look southward. The typological model proposed is flexible, efficient, and economical, with a large bright central corridor flanked on both sides by classrooms.