Parque Dom Pedro II Bus Station, São Paulo
Paulo Mendes da Rocha- Type Infraestructure Station
- Date 1996 - 1996
- City São Paulo
- Country Brazil
- Photographer Nelson Kon

Used daily by approximately 120,000 people, the Parque Dom Pedro II Bus Station is located parallel to the Avenida do Estado in the São Paulo Cathedral district.
Three rows of platforms with stops on either side organize bus traffic, with two accesses and two internal circulation systems. There are also two pedestrian accesses. A fourth platform accommodates the auxiliary services and the access control booths, delimiting an enclosed precinct where passengers can change buses. The transit routes all occur on one same level, with neither tunnels nor mezzanines, making orientation easier for travellers. Located at twenty-meter intervals, the supports are reduced to a minimum number to ensure unobstructed views beneath the canopies.
Aside from the compacting and paving of the terrain, three construction techniques are used independently: reinforced concrete for the supports, metal profiles for the rest of the structure, and prefabricated fiberglass panels for the roof. In the central axis of the top surface a large gutter collects rainwater that then goes through drainpipes concealed in the cladding of the supports.

Cliente Client
São Paulo Transporte S.A.
Arquitecto Architect
Paulo Mendes da Rocha
Colaboradores Collaborators
MMBB Arquitetos: Angelo Bucci, Fernando de Mello Franco, Marta Moreira, Milton Braga
Consultores Consultants
Proenge Engenharia de Projetos S/C Ltda. (ingeniería engineering)
Contratista Contractor
Villanova Engenharia e Construções Ltda.