Open Grid Learning Center, St. Gallen (project satge)
Sou Fujimoto Architects 

Open Grid Learning Center, St. Gallen (project satge)

Sou Fujimoto Architects 

The concept of the New Learning Center of St. Gallen University is based on the idea of an elementary grid that functions as a base where the different parts of the program are arranged openly and flexibly...[+]

Arquitectos Architects
Sou Fujimoto Architects; Sou Fujimoto (encargado principal in charge); Sou Fujimoto, Marie de France, Andy Yu, Przemyslaw Witkowski, Nicolás Luca de Tena, Jaime Peiro Suso, Nicolas Gustin, Léa Van De Casteele, Teresa Begone, Barbara Stallone (equipo team)

Superficie parcela Site area
5,520 m²

Superficie construida Built-up area
3,010 m²

Superficie total Total floor area
7,800 m²