(Carballiño, 1936)
Across the Platerías facade of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, and nestled in the shadow of the Berenguela Tower, stands the new Museum of Pilgrimages. A part of it is incorporated into the stone facade of the Banco de España building, erected
In the foothills of the Compostela campus, and next to one of its main access ways, arise three equal and distinct prisms. Their similarities and differences derive from both a lack of definition in the program and from the characteristics of the sit
The emotion involved in building one’s own house often results in a made-to-order sort of project wherein every object and function is assigned a specific place. But a building designed in this manner in the long run proves too rigid to accommodate v
This cultural center, which underwent a slow and fractioned building process in several phases, is situated in a poorly consolidated town, as is typical in the dispersed rural habitats of Galicia, and was thought out as an element that would at the s
Arquitectura Viva and its director, Luis Fernández-Galiano, understand and regret the discomfort caused by the series Conversations. Filmed between 2013 and 2018, this documentary series of Fundación Arquia, now being streamed on Netflix, was left un
Manuel Gallego Manuel Gallego Jorreto, born in Carballiño (Ourense), in 1936, has received the Spanish National Architecture Award promoted by the Ministry of Public Works, a distinction it bestows annually to “pay a tribute of admiration to an archi
Born in Carballiño (Ourense) in 1936, Manuel Gallego Jorreto is this year’s winner of Spain’s National Architecture Prize, given by the Public Works Ministry. This is his second time to land the award. In 1997 he was commended for a work, the Fine Ar
Firmly rooted in his native Galicia, where he has built all his works, the architect has renewed the modern language with stern discipline and rough poetry.
Manuel Gallego Created to acknowledge “people and institutions that commend and ennoble architectural activity”, the Gold Medal of the Council of Spanish Architectural Associations has gone in its 2010 edition to Manuel Gallego Jorreto (O Carballiño,
15 Works Awarded The 12th edition of the BEAU (Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism) chose to commend a group category of fifteen works, divided into five categories. The first one – reconversion projects – included the Cineteca in Matadero
Creada para reconocer a ‘personas e instituciones que, en su trayectoria, ensalzan y ennoblecen el quehacer arquitectónico’, la Medalla de Oro del Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España de 2010 ha sido otorgada a Manuel Gallego Jorreto (O Carballi
Con una reseña en esta sección (véase Arquitectura Viva 52) dimos la bienvenida a este proyecto editorial, lanzado conjuntamente por la ETSA de Pamplona y el Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro. A razón de cuatro cuadernos por año —salvo la primera
Aceptar sólo el volumen de trabajo que le permita controlar personalmente cada proyecto hasta su último detalle, y circunscribirse a un área geográfica conocida y amada como Galicia no es la menos importante de las lecciones que nos ofrece Manuel Gal
En la última década ha surgido en Galicia un activo grupo de arquitectos, articulado en el territorio por el eje atlántico que une Vigo y Pontevedra con Santiago y La Coruña.
Manuel Gallego Jorreto Escritos en torno a la arquitectura
Manuel Gallego Jorreto Arquitectura 1969-2015
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Madrid 2015
Fundación Arquia - 60 Pages
Introducción de David Cohn