(Aachen, 1886 - Chicago, 1969)
The building was originally planned – seventy years ago, by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) – as a chapterhouse for the fraternity Pi Lambda Phi, in the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. While respecting the initial concept, the firm Tho
The firm of the British architect David Chipperfield has finished refurbishing the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, and it will reopen to the public on 22 August 2021. One of the icons of 20th-century architecture, the museum is the only building buil
The Neue Nationalgalerie, one of the icons of 20th-century architecture, is the only building raised by Mies van der Rohe in Europe after his emigration to the United States. Opened in 1968, it presents the problems and imperfections caused by intens
Arquitectura del siglo XX. El regreso de los maestros de la Bauhaus. Una vez establecida la situación de Berlín Occidental como centro cultural, los viejos maestros exiliados en USA tuvieron oportunidad de construir las piezas de la nueva ciudad y co
Edith Farnsworth returns home. Mies van der Rohe’s mythical house, which the National Trust for Historic Preservation acquired in 2003, celebrates its twenty years of being open to the public with a tribute to the nephrologist who commissioned the pr
If Paris found itself at the close of the war caught between the euphoria of the city’s liberation by the American army and the trauma of the horror of the Holocaust, the United States saw the termination of hostilities under the dark shadow of the n
Las grandes figuras del siglo XX transformaron el lenguaje de la arquitectura desde su familiaridad con los cánones clásicos. Aun en el caso de aquellos que no tuvieron una educación académica convencional, la sensibilidad clasicista les llegó a trav
Berlin’s six-year, £120m fight to fix his dysfunctional, puddle-strewn gallery. The modernist maestro had carte blanche to build a great museum. The result? A breathtaking icon hopeless for displaying art. British architect David Chipperfield relives
After a $165 million renovation, the Neue Nationalgalerie looks like it did when it first opened in 1968. That’s exactly the point. “Carrying out such a task, in a building that leaves no place to hide, is daunting,” said David Chipperfield, the Brit
In the ephemeral Glasraum of the Werkbund’s 1927 exhibition in Stuttgart, the dynamic Wrightian space flows between glazed walls that reconcile the expressionist reflections with the transparency of the Sachlichkeit to expose universal truths at the
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
Luis Fernández-Galiano gave a series of lectures over different years for the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation: ‘Jerusalén y Babilonia en el siglo XX’ ‘Del Gabinete al Campus: las transformaciones de la sede del Museo del Prado’ ‘El clasicismo
The Farnsworth House, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s modernist masterpiece in Chicago’s far southwest suburbs, needs no introduction. As graceful as a Greek temple and as serene as a Shinto shrine, the single-room house seems to float over a meadow along
Ongoing since 1999 is a program of artistic interventions that engage in dialogue with the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, and the list of those who have participated includes Enric Miralles, SANAA Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Andrés Jaqu
With a temporary intervention, Anna and Eugeni Bach have managed to make Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion lose its materiality.
Avec ma main brulée, j’ecris sur la nature du feu. This line of Flaubert, which Ingeborg Bachmann used as Malina’s guiding thread, also serves as a background for Treacherous Transparencies, the most important critical work of Jacques Herzog and Pier
Triggered by a visit to Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House, the most important critical work of Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron to date uses transparency as a litmus paper for examining the nature of artistic and architectural modernity, in a j
Many of the exemplary works of the Modern Movement have been mythologized by the heroic historiography of modernity, but few as much as the Barcelona Pavilion of Mies van der Rohe. This despite the pavilion’s having been brought down after its closin
The Reina Sofía Museum hosts a major retrospective on Carl Andre, whose work suggests formal analogies with Mies van der Rohe’s.
David chipperfield lives in the present without ceasing to look at the past. The literary critic Harold Bloom, referring to writers’ clash with predecessors, spoke of the ‘anxiety of influences’. But Chipperfield is an architect who can bring out the
Architects always needed to subject the design process to a certain order. That modern architects did too is shown in this brief but intense look at a compositional strategy widely used in the 20th century: the grid. With his usual rigor the author d
Brick is the Esperanto of construction. While a few cultures may ignore its grammar, those that command its vocabulary are legion, expressing physical needs and immaterial yearnings through the essential language of ceramic prisms. Versatile as no ot
A fragment suffices to conjure the whole. The loose end instantly brings up the image of the moment, and everything falls in place. ‘Loose Ends’ is precisely the title under which Carlos Martí Arís has gathered various writings in a book. The work in
“Dear Corbu, everything we have fought for is paralleled in ancient Japanese culture.” With this, written on a postcard of Ryoanji (the legendary karesansui zen garden of fifteen rocks, built in the 15th century as a metaphor of time) sent in 1954, G
That climate has a bearing on architecture is a commoplace. Nevertheless, to explain how this bearing has come about is an achievement, and for this the latest books published by Professor Dean Hawkes deserve recognition: two histories of architectur
El valor de la literatura, como el de la vida, sería menor sin el recurso de la contradicción o de la paradoja. Don Quijote es la encarnación de una paradoja errante; el final del Canto a mí mismo de Whitman concluye así: «¿Me estoy contradiciendo? /
Vittorio Pizzigoni Michelangelo Sabatino Complete Writings, Speeches and Interviews
Michelangelo Sabatino
New York 2024
The Monacelli Press - 272 Pages
Jacques Herzog Pierre de Meuron Thoughts and observations triggered by a visit to Farnsworth House
Marc Treib Wright, Mies, Neutra, Aalto, Barragán
Franz Schulze Edward Windhorst
The University of Chicago Press - 493 Pages
Detlef Mertins
London 2014
Phaidon - 544 Pages
Phyllis Lambert
Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) - 790 Pages
Terence Riley Barry Bergdoll
Nueva York 2001
MoMA - 392 Pages
Yehuda E. Safran
Barcelona 2001
Gustavo Gili - 214 Pages
Ricardo Daza
Barcelona 2000
Actar Publishers - 188 Pages
Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat Wolf Tegethoff
Viena 2000
Springer - 190 Pages
Peter Carter
Londres 1999
Phaidon - 192 Pages