The Barcelona firm Addenda Architects – Roberto González, Anne Hinz, Cecilia Rodríguez, Arnau Sastra, and José Zabala –carried the day over 830 others in the 2015 competitition to build this new museum in the German city of Dessau, home of the Bauhau
A work of the German architect Heike Hanada, this new museum opens in time for the centenary of the Bauhaus, founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919. With its clear-cut geometry, the five-floor concrete volumes presents horizontal grooves on the
The new museum interacts with that of Gropius through a geometric discourse: a double gesture of concave subtraction with respect to a virtual prismatic volume characterizes the facade of a new public square and configures an interior garden... [+]
According to the jury of the competition for the new Bauhaus Museum in Weimar, the design drawn up by Heike Hanada in collaboration with Benedict Tonon was selected as the winner on account of the constructive quality of the enclosure formed by strip
The 'New European Bauhaus Awards' have been awarded in 10 different categories. The winners of each category will receive €30,000. For the 'New European Bauhaus Rising Stars' 10 prizes of €15,000 each are awarded to support concepts and ideas develop
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
Bauhaus and Brussels are an uneasy mix. Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus art school, which shaped design in the 20th century, declared that a building “must be true to itself...
Since its creation in 1960 the Bauhaus-Archiv, a research center that conserves the largest existing collection of archives of Bauhäusler, has been the principal custodian of the school’s legacy. In addition, in 1979, as Museum für Gestaltung it beca
The centenary of the Bauhaus has seen an outpouring of perspectives on the mythical school, endeavored to close any remaining historiographic gaps, and pushed readers to the brink of fatigue. It would be hard to count the lectures, seminars, celebrat
Some monographs stand out because they are well documented, others because they place their subjects in wider historical contexts. This one explores the intertwining of art, science, and military power during the Cold War through the interdisciplina
Spirituality, gender fluidity, queer identities, and the political stance of instructors and students may seem minor when it comes to assessing the legacy of the Bauhaus. Do designs, artworks, and buildings cover it all? Elizabeth Otto’s answer is a
Bauhaus centenary
The history of the Bauhaus has partly been that of a misunderstanding, at least for the general public, which perhaps owing to bestsellers like Tom Wolfe’s From Bauhaus to Our House, has tended to see the school that opened its doors in Weimar a cent
The centenary of the Bauhaus coincides with the fiftieth death anniversary of its founder and director, the architect Walter Gropius (1883-1969). The double celebration seals the association between the figure and the school, however true it is that
The modernity developed in the crucible of the Bauhaus became the International Style in America. (Two articles by Luis Fernández-Galiano first published in El País in 1999)...
A century after its founding, artistic and ideological discrepancies among its leaders refute the previously held perception of a unitary Bauhaus.
Of all the modern masters, Walter Gropius is now the least known of, though his texts were once read as if they were the Bible. Through a critical Spanish edition of 30 out of the 150 essays written between 1908 and 1934, this book is a refocusing on
Though it was hard for them to escape the long shadows of the men who were their husbands and often also mentors, there were not a few women artists at the Bauhaus who had voices of their own. The most outstanding among them – both because of the fie
The Barbican Centre in London brings together over 400 works created by the community of artists and artisans around the Bauhaus (1919-1933), in accordance with Walter Gropius’s project for “the unification of the arts under the wings of great archit
Ya en su obra de 1912 De lo espiritual en el arte, Wassili Kandinsky estableció la relación entre colores primarios y formas elementales: el amarillo corresponde con el triángulo, el rojo con el cuadrado y el azul con el círculo o la esfera. Este pri
La escuela que inició la modernidad arquitectónica y artística cumple noventa años y el MoMA de Nueva York lo celebra con una gran retrospectiva, ‘Bauhaus 1919–1933: Workshops for Modernity’, en la que se analiza el recorrido de esta institución a tr
«Descubrir lo insólito y lo desconocido en lo cotidiano»: así describe Juan María Songel el mensaje de Frei Otto, protagonista del precioso libro publicado por Gustavo Gili, en la serie Conversaciones, que reúne el artículo del autor «Fundamentos de
In constrast with the solitary heroe who is portrayed in front of his work, both socialist collectivism and the capitalist company promote cooperation. After the archetypal individualism of Wright, the still conventionally depicted Gropius encourages
En 1925 Marcel Breuer se compró su primera bicicleta y enseguida intuyó las posibilidades del tubo de acero cromado para realizar muebles. Con apenas 23 años, acababa de ser contratado como Joven Maestro de Taller en la Bauhaus, recién trasladada a D
The beginnings of modernity crystallizing in the crucible of the Bauhaus form part of a mythical history that has created ‘the tradition of the new’.
Durante el otoño de 1984, el año de «balance» de la IBA, tuvo lugar una serie de actos, conferencias y exposiciones en los cuales la organización de la «Exposición de Arquitectura de Berlín, S. L.», más conocida por IBA, rendía cuentas de lo proyecta
Winfried Nerdinger Taller del Movimiento Moderno
Nina Wiedemeyer
Múnich 2019
Prestel Publishers - 240 Pages
Laura Martínez de Guereñu Carolina Beatriz García Estévez Perspectivas desde España
Elizabeth Otto Occult Spirituality, Gender Fluidity, Queer Identities, and Radical Politics
John R. Blakinger
Cambridge (Massachusetts) 2019
MIT Press - 486 Pages
Sandra Hofmeister
Munich 2019
DETAIL - 160 Pages
Salvador Guerrero Eduardo Prieto
Madrid 2020
Ediciones Asimétricas - 180 Pages
Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave Tomás Carranza
Cádiz 2019
COA Cádiz - 86 Pages
Laura Forlano Mike Ananny Molly Wright Steenson
Cambridge (Massachusetts) 2019
MIT Press - 342 Pages
Fiona MacCarthy La vida del fundador de la Bauhaus.
Magdalena Droste
Colonia 2019
Taschen - 400 Pages
Joaquín Medina Warmburg Proclamas de modernidad
Josenia Hervás y Heras De lo bidimensional al espacio total
Deyan Sudjic Un diccionario del mundo moderno