Madrid, Spain
The coachmen of Maribor were much relieved when in 1913 the Austrians inaugurated what is known as the Old Bridge over the Drava, which replaced the timber structure that had been a serious bottleneck…
A scheme titled ‘The Ages of Water,’ drawn up by the firm of Francisco Burgos and Ginés Garrido, has placed first in the Burgos River competition to improve the environs of the Arlanzón River as it passes through Burgos. The idea is to preserve natur
The Madrid practice of Francisco Burgos and Ginés Garrido has placed first in the competition to build a residence for seniors in Los Llanos de Aridane, a municipality on the Canarian island of La Palma. The scheme combines interior spaces of differe
With a project titled ‘El jardín en movimiento’ (‘The Garden in Motion’), the practice of Francisco Burgos and Ginés Garrido (BGA) – in collaboration with Typsa Ingenieros Consultores y Arquitectos, GEA 21 and Laura Jeschke – has placed first in the
The sustainable agenda of the city and the conditions of the site translate into a colorful mosaic of different forests planned, planted, and maintained aided by new technologies, and which function as programmatic ‘bubbles.’...
‘A Line Over the Miño,’ a project carried out by Burgos & Garrido in collaboration with Bernabeu Ingenieros, turned out the winner in the proceedings negotiated to select from the best three entries to the ideas competution for a pedestrian and c
Two Madrid practices – one headed by Francisco Burgos and Ginés Garrido, the other by Javier Alejo Hernández Ayllón, Verónica Paradela Pernas, and Javier de Andrés de Vicente – have worked together on a proposal that has won for them the competition
The project was developed within the social housing program for the young promotedby the Community of Madrid. This type of rental housing establishes a strict range of 35 to 55 square meters of floor area per dwelling. Working within this range mean
Echoing Limas traditional courtyards, the museum features an open-air space that wraps up the park and makes it possible to regulate the flow of visitors by leading them to the new entrances.
The refurbishment of Matadero is one of the most ambitious cultural projects launched in the city over the last years. Converted into a contemporary art center, it develops a stable activity since 2007. Its comprehensive program and varied activities
Any social housing project endures strong pressure to reduce costs and accomplish more with less. To face these restrictions this scheme is based on seriation on both organizational and constructive levels. The complex comprises several pragmatic and
La Central de Instalaciones aloja los equipos que darán servicio al resto de las dependencias de Matadero Madrid. Un anillo de galerías subterráneas visitables conecta las naves existentes a un edificio de nueva planta que agrupa la totalidad de la m
The project stems from the idea that the best neighborhood needn’t be made up of unique pieces, but rather that specific elements such as systematicity, homogeneity and expressive moderation are essential in residential buildings. In this way, the bl
El mejor barrio no está formado por edificios singulares; en éste se ha optado por cierta homogeneidad en las fachadas (hormigón por fuera, paneles ligeros por dentro) y por romper la manzana cerrada con un giro que da vida al patio, enriqueciéndolo
If we were to pinpoint an emblem for Spain’s successful public healthcare system, one sure candidate would be La Paz Hospital in Madrid. At least that is the opinion of the institution’s authorities, who, faced with a dire need for more space, found
Walk DVRC is delighted to announce the winner of the Walk DVRC International Design Competition: MLA+, Mobility in Chain, dmau. As the judging was very close, the jurors would like to also name an Honourable Mention - Pang Architect + Burgos & Ga
One way to deal with the crisis has been through a change of scale. This, not necessarily through a shift to the world of the small. In fact it has sometimes been in the world of the large, even very large, that an alternative field has been found. A
Madrid Río The 2015 Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design, awarded by Harvard University’s GSD, went to Madrid Río, the project that has transformed the banks of the Manzanares River, a work of the team led by Ginés Garrido, including Madrid st
During the crisis Madrid Rio has been criticized for economic reasons, but no one has questioned its success in returning life to a marginalized part of the city. This has now been acknowledged, too, by the jury of Harvard GSD’s prestigious Veronica
Como un barco varado sobre bolos graníticos: así es la casa que Francisco Burgos, Ginés Garrido, Justo F. Isasi y Alberto Pieltáin han diseñado en la sierra madrileña, con vistas magníficas sobre el valle del Lozoya y las cercanas cumbres de Guadarra
Los madrileños Francisco Burgos yGinés Garrido están de buena racha; a los proyectos ganados en Toledo y Camberra (véase Arquitectura Viva 127 y AV Proyectos 35) se une otro en Maribor, Eslovenia: una pasarela peatonal y ciclista sobre el Drava, sit
Presentado bajo el lema ‘Take me to the River’, el proyecto de Burgos y Garrido —responsables del proyecto de recuperación del Manzanares en Madrid, ligado al soterramiento de la M-30— ha resultado ganador en el concurso para la integración del río T
En 2004 la Fundación COAM, brazo cultural del Colegio que representa a los arquitectos madrileños, inició el ciclo expositivo y editorial llamado ‘Monoespacios’, con la intención de dar a conocer la producción de colegiados ‘notables’ en breves expos