Luis Fernández-Galiano
Un triángulo circular
A Circular Triangle
Los 40 y los 50 The 40s and 50s
Órganos de la autarquía Organs of Autarchy
El cultivo del espíritu: en la Colina de los Chopos
The Cultivation of the Spirit: in the Colina de los Chopos
Una utopía cerámica: el ladrillo repensado
A Ceramic Utopia: Rethinking Brick
Instituto de Microbiología Ramón y Cajal Institute of Microbiology Ramón y Cajal
1949-1956, Madrid
Instituto laboral Labor Institute
1950-1953, Daimiel (Ciudad Real)
Colegio Apostólico de Arcas Reales ArcasReales Dominican Fathers’ Catholic School
1952-1953, Valladolid
Centro de Formación del Profesorado Teacher Training Center
1952-1957, Madrid
Teologado de los PP Dominicos Theological Center of the Dominican Fathers
1955-1958, Madrid
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Coronación Church of Nuestra Señora de la Coronación
1957-1960, Vitoria
Persistencias vernáculas: la sabiduría del pueblo
Vernacular Persistences: Popular Wisdom
Los 60 The 60s
Huesos para el desarrollo Bones for Development
Libertades cotidianas: desde el Cerro del Aire
Everyday Freedom: on the Cerro del Aire
La arcadia de hormigón: innovaciones patentes
The Concrete Arcadia: Patent Innovations
Laboratorios farmacéuticos Made Made Pharmaceutical Laboratories
1960-1967, Madrid
Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos Center for Hydrographic Studies
1960-1963, Madrid
Parroquia de Santa Ana Santa Ana Parish Church
1965-1971, Madrid
Laboratorios Jorba Jorba Laboratories
1965-1967 Madrid
Edificio IBM IBM Office Building
1966-1969, Madrid
Bodegas Garvey Garvey Winery
1969-1974, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
Lógicas estructurales: el cálculo y la fábrica
Structural Logic: on Calculations and Fabrics
Los 70 y los 80 The 70s and 80s
Pieles en la transición Skins in Transition
Experiencias privadas: de Alcobendas a Almagro
Private Experiences: from Alcobendas to Almagro
El tacto de los sueños: los encofrados flexibles
The Weave of Dreams: Flexible Formworks
Centro de rehabilitación Mupag Mupag Rehabilitation Center
1969-1973, Madrid
Hotel Tres Islas Hotel Tres Islas
1970-1973, Fuerteventura
Casa Pascual de Juan en la Moraleja Pascual de Juan House in La Moraleja
1973-1975, Madrid
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Altamira Nuestra Señora de Altamira Parish
1983-1991, Madrid
Centro social de las Hermanas Hospitalarias Hermanas Hospitalarias Social Center
1985-1986, Ciempozuelos (Madrid)
Oficinas de la Caja del Mediterráneo Caja del Mediterráneo Office Building
1988-1990, San Juan (Alicante)
Escenarios gimnásticos: un epílogo provisional
Gymnastic Stages: a Provisional Epilogue
Obras y proyectos Works and Projects
Luis Fernández-Galiano
A Circular Triangle
The long career of Miguel Fisac is orchestrated here in three movements, linked to the Renaissance triad vis-cupiditas-amor (strength-ambition-love), chosen so that the dialogue between nature and history may cover the three stages of his work (related to organs, bones and skins) in three periods of Spanish life: the isolation of the 40s and 50s, the takeoff of the 60s, and the changes of the 70s and 80s.
The restless vis of the young Fisac is channelled through a scientific campus in Madrid and an array of academic and religious projects in Castile that express well his dual inclination towards knowledge and the spirit, on top of a lively curiosity that leads him to cross the almost impervious borders of an isolated country, and change his outlook from the academic classicism and metaphysical severity of his beginnings to the functionalist empiricism and cautious organicism of his later professional work. Those organsofautarchy would be ideological offshoots of a regime oblivious to the movement of the world, but also fertile wombs where the seeds of change would begin to grow.
The firm cupiditas of the mature architect delivers a broad harvest of innovative works, industrial buildings for laboratories or factories and research headquarters (located mainly in the Spanish capital) that widely use his most important invention, the prestressed hollow concrete beams which he named bones, and whose elegant technical and sculptural optimism convincingly illustrates the moment of economic boom in a country which is gradually opening its doors to goods and ideas from abroad. Those bones for development would give structural support to the growth of that prosperous period, and serve as symbol of the success of an architect in tune with a fast-paced country.
The introspective amor of the last Fisac is neatly displayed in a series of works that go all the way from the churches and welfare centers in Madrid to the hotels and offices in tourist areas, buildings where he experimented with a new type of facade made using flexible formworks – a construction system that with the help of plastic sheet and wire gives concrete a soft or tormented appearance –, an antithetical ornament which reflects the uncertainty of the times and the vicissitudes of his own career. These skins in transition are doubly so, because they refer both to the shallow changes in a postmodern democracy and to the interior mutations of an increasingly secret architect.
The canonical humanistic triad marks and closes the territory of Fisac with a circular triangle that moves from pure to practical reason, and then to the critique of judgement, covering the itinerary between science, ethics and aesthetics to illustrate with this geometrical oxymoron the opposition virtus-fortuna, the ultimate dilemma of a professional or a personal trajectory, and that the biography of this universal Spanish architect bridges with unique success.