The Weave of Dreams

Flexible Formworks

Marta García Carbonero 

The world oil crisis also coincided with the decrease of the studio’s activity; during the decade of the seventies, the commissions were few in a Spain in political transition, where the profession changed at the same pace as the economic and political structure of the country. But the smaller works, less and less frequent, also allowed to carry out experiments of a greater formal risk; the obsession of Miguel Fisac with freeing concrete from the wooden imprint that the planked formwork left upon it, and with finding an expression coherent with its doughy condition bore fruit at the beginning of the decade in the building for the Mupag rehabilitation center in Madrid. During the execution of this small hospital, the architect covered a wooden frame with a plastic sheet that would later on be tied with reinforcing wire to give shape to the façade panels... [+]

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