Revamp of the University of Porto stadium
Crea - arquitetos- Type Sport Stadium
- Date 2024
- City Porto
- Country Portugal
- Photographer Fernando Guerra FG+SG

In Quinta do Campo Alegre, the project for the renovation and extension of the grandstand and headquarters of CDUP (Centro Desporto da Universidade do Porto) addresses the context of the stadium that opened in 1953.
The original grandstand building is notable for the sobriety of its composition and elevation. The facade facing the street is characterized by pillars converging at the porticoed entrance. The chiseled bas-reliefs in the granite wall stand out, with motifs that refer to the imagery of ancient mythology. Besides the structural refurbishment, the inner space was reconfigured to create new zones serving the playing fields. Spectators enter through stairs at the top of the grandstand. The roof was remodeled and enlarged to protect more seats.
Giving continuity and cohesion to the existing construction, two new building complete the complex and house the program for the CDUP headquarters, with offices, meeting rooms, and multifunctional spaces. Their design reinterprets the existing symmetry through a more fluid and dynamic language. The buildings open out toward the playing fields with the same compositional dynamic of the facades, paced with concrete pillars. Austerity is taken as a defining trait for the new building, although the pigmentation of the concrete introduces a distinguishing element.