Directed by Francesca Molteni and Mattia Colombo, the documentary Green Over Gray offers a walk through the life and work of the Argentinian architect Emilio Ambasz (Resistencia, 1943). The film shows how architecture can combat climate change and pr
Una publicación reciente se suma a una ya extensa bibliografía que reivindica la fértil pero hasta ahora algo relegada obra de Carlo Mollino.
On the 4th of September of 1997, the architect Aldo Rossi died in Milan following a road accident. Aged 66, he was at the peak of his career: in 1990 he had been awarded the Pritzker Prize, he had construction sites running around the world, and impo
With the monograph on Gio Ponti just published by Taschen in a large format (36.5 x 36.5 cm), so far rivaled only by Phaidon with its impressive Le Corbusier Le Grand (33.34 x 43.82 cm), the fortunes of this Milanese architect seem to have reached (f
Jacques Herzog For a young architect at the beginning of his career it is a challenging moment to see the widely admired work of established colleagues, often with a mixture of disdain and admiration. For my generation this moment was in the 1980s, a
Inspired in the linear archetype of a house with a gable roof, the architecture of the Fondazione Feltrinelli becomes three-dimensional to address the topography and memory of the place.
Leonardo Benevolo (Orta San Giulio, 25 September 1923–Cellatica, 5 January 2017) was for decades the most internationally influential historian of architecture and urbanism. His books made him a classic in schools across half the world, required read
The climate of economic and social austerity has pushed away the gimmicky formulas of previous universal expositions in favor of simpler and more sustainable architecture.
The age of iconic architecture seems to have ended: it is time for the discipline to recover its links with the necessary as well as its capacity to solve problems.
Liberated from the yoke of typology and history, the new generation of architects integrates contemporary languages in the artisanal and contextual tradition of Italy.