Arts and Landscape Research Center in Rodalquilar, Almería

Arts and Landscape Research Center in Rodalquilar, Almería


The project proposes activating the industrial heritage of the gold mines of Rodalquilar with a unitary action that serves as a link between the existing elements: a path, a walkway or a shadow that relates the processing plants with one another. 

In order to activate the area with an intense cultural activity, the proposal consists of an education and research center oriented to the relationship between art and the landscape in which it is built, in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park...[+]

Centro de arte e investigación del paisaje, Almería
Art and Landscape Research Center, Almería

Arquitecto Architect
Indalecio Batlles Abad

TutorProject Tutor
Concha Lapayese, Javier García Benítez

Colaboradores Collaborators
Óscar Valero, Verónica Sánchez, Beatriz Payá, Mar Gallego, Nicolás Leguina, Alicia Argüelles, Luis Palacios, Víctor Conde