Secuoya Studios in Tres Cantos (Madrid)
Cifuentes Costales 

A work of the practice of Santiago Cifuentes and Pelayo Costales, the project for the audiovisuals center and headquarters of Grupo Secuoya connects the media company’s executive, management, and administrative departments to its creative, design, and production sections.

The 18,300-square-meter complex consists of an office block and an audiovisuals center including recording studios with five sets and production facilities. For the flexibility necessary to accommodate new uses as they come, the corporate building presents bright open spaces. A triple-height atrium and a courtyard fragment it slightly, facilitating separation between public and private areas.

Train tracks stretch nearby, so to prevent noise and vibrations in the recording studios, the construction system is structured in several layers executed with: prefabricated concrete, insulation elements of varying density, steel plates, air chambers, plaques of plasterboard, and elastomeric stoppers.