Falcon House, Manda Island, Lamu (Kenya)
PAT. architetti associati  Ferdinando Fagnola 

Falcon House, Manda Island, Lamu (Kenya)

PAT. architetti associati  Ferdinando Fagnola 

Manda island in Kenya belongs to the Lamu Archipelago – cradle of the Swahili culture. The island was abandoned in the 19th century for lack of freshwater, and recovered in the late 20th as an eco-tourism destination.

The brief for Falcon House asked for an off-grid residence integrated in the landscape and invisible from the sea. The volume is fragmented in several pavilions allowing the winds – Kaskazi from northeast and Kusi from south – to cross the rooms, screened by adjustable wooden louvers. Pavilions and terraces are raised on stilts, connected by a linear walkway and arranged to avoid interferences with existing acacia and baobab trees. The rooms are shielded by a flat concrete roof, insulated on the outer layer, supporting a ventilated canopy of corrugated core-ten steel, designed to keep the rooms shaded all day. Floors are in polished concrete, while the back wall is made from on-site prefab concrete blocks, created by local craftsmen using custom wooden formworks. The shaded and ventilated concrete mass acts as a thermal flywheel.

The project includes an old swahili house of white choral stone, refurbished and extended, and a service building with photovoltaic panels, battery room, desalination system, and water tower...

Falcon House

PAT. architetti associati / Ferdinando Fagnola

Andrea Veglia (coordinación proyecto project coordination); Andrea Veglia, Ferdinando Fagnola, Benedetta Veglia, Jacopo Testa, Luca Rocca, Francesca Thiébat (equipo de proyecto project team); Alice Ferro, Alberto Matta, Nicolò Radicioni, Aleksandra Cheremuchina

George Otieno Adede / Otieno Adede Associates (arquitecto de registro architect of record); Interphase Consultants (ingeniería estructural structural engineer); Studio Forte (instalaciones mechanical engineer)

SuperficieFloor area
320 m²; 14.800 m² (parcela plot)

Filippo Romano