360 Public Housing Units, St Helena Island
BAT (Bilbao Architecture Team)  

360 Public Housing Units, St Helena Island

BAT (Bilbao Architecture Team)  

To transform the island into an autonomous and sustainable location, the scheme proposes an optimal management model of local resources (bamboo and rock), through architectural and urban design adapted to climatic and topographic conditions...[+]

BAT (Bilbao Architecture Team) / HUT! (Hut Arkitektura)

Arquitectos Architects
Peru Cañada Omagoescoa, Xabier Arranz Díez, Alejandro Iturbe Legasa, Julen Quevedo Corral, Jon Andoni Iparraguirre Apraiz, Ubay Calle Garcia, Ander Barandiaran, Imanol Goenaga, Joseba Salbide