London, United Kingdom / Shanghai, China
The solar roof, formed by a simple structure of individual pitched modules, protects more than 130,000 square meters of station, and adopts a dynamic parallelogram shape that softens its encounter with the city along its four orientations…
This is final building work of Richard Rogers, initiated before his June 2020 retirement from the firm he founded in London in 1977, and which in 2007 was renamed Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP). The art gallery designed by the Pritzker laur
With its hypertrophic triangulations and huge crystalline surfaces, the envelope of the four new residential blocks recalls the industrial past of this riverside area.
Cuatro bloques de distinta altura concebidos con criterios sostenibles se organizan según un esquema que favorece la captación de luz natural y las vistas sobre Hyde Park.
The form of the station stems from the analysis of the urban fabric of the surrounding neighborhoods in continuity with the existing streets, providing accessibility in all directions. A bold conceptual gesture solves both the topographical problem a
Un campus empresarial emblema del desarrollo en energías renovables dispone sus piezas de modo compacto y convierte el calor del sol en frío para climatización.
In the small town of Peñafiel, approximately 50 kilometers from Valladolid, the winery sits at the base of a small hill surmounted by a medieval castle that currently houses the Provincial Museum of Wine. The main objective of the project was to desi
Located on a mountainous site where the Shiga, Mie and Nara Prefectures meet, the school of Minami Yamashiro – a small village close to Kyoto – enjoys the views of the surrounding landscape from the brow of a hill. As if it were a new city, the build
El perfil ondulado de la nueva terminal ha pasado sin apenas cambios de los bocetos a la realidad gracias al trabajo del un equipo dirigido por Luis Vidal y Simon Smithson. Un esquema lineal y modular conduce a los pasajeros desde el aparcamiento o e
Both Hilmer & Sattler's initial proposal and Piano's proposal for blocks B4, B6 and B8 expressed the clear desire to offer a continuous facade plane to the new Linkstrasse, converted into a linear park. In his proposal, however, Richard Rogers breaks
Adif has publicly named the teams selected to go on to phase two of the competition to transform the Madrid–Chamartín station: UNStudio with b720; RSHP with Luis Vidal; Souto de Moura with Francisco Mangado and José María Ezquiaga; Grimshaw with Carl
Otorgado anualmente por la revista The Architects’ Journal y el RIBA al edificio más significativo en el desarrollo de la arquitectura británica en el año, el premio Stirling ha recaído en esta edición en el Centro Maggie’s de Londres, de Rogers Stir
El estudio de Rogers Stirk Harbour ha concluido la ampliación de las bodegas Protos en Peñafiel. Realizado junto al equipo Alonso y Balaguer, el volumen de cinco bóvedas parabólicas se proponía satisfacer las demandas del cliente de construir un edif
El alcalde de Londres, Ken Livingstone, lo expresó mejor que nadie. En la ceremonia de entrega del premio Pritzker, el pasado mes de junio, afirmó: «Richard ha hecho más que nadie por dar forma al futuro de Londres», pasando a describir a continuació
La propuesta de ampliación de las terminales del aeropuerto de Barajas para atender a 65 ó 70 millones de viajeros al año en un futuro previsible ha conducido a los estudios de Rogers y Lamela a proponer y posteriormente materializar su proyecto para
Once the competition for Potsdamer Platz had been decided and Hilmer & Sattler's solution had been ratified, the investing companies called for tenders for the development of their respective areas based on the solution presented by the winners.
The area known as Potsdamer Platz, between the southern edge of the Tiergarten, where the Kulturforum is located, and the western end of the Friedrichstadt, where the baroque Leipziger Platz was located, exemplifies the process undergone by the city