The architecture of the Museum of Image and Sound looks to Copacabana Beach for inspiration: its coastline, its wraparound wall, its hills, and its distinctive seaside promenade designed by Roberto Burle Marx, which captures the essence of the place:
The facade of the hotel is covered with a series of perforated pieces or polycarbonate resin caps (cobogós) that are fire and sun resistant, produced by injection of the material under pressure in steel molds, and fixed in folding frames... [+]
The facade consists of a series of different layers that filter light and sound. The outermost skin, with a green buffer and special soundproof windows placed behind it, is a lattice of perforated aluminum that covers the upper working floors... [+]
The Varanda Products catalogue offers a range of solutions inspired in the puxadinhos, aggregates of recycled materials superposed to the existing structures, which Rio locals have used over the years to colonize their environment. Presented wi
Pautado y reciclable, el edificio se implanta con suavidad en el terreno, y sigue una modulación disciplinada que contrasta con las formas orgánicas de las colinas que lo rodean.
La búsqueda de la flexibilidad de uso y la aplicación de estrategias bioclimáticas han definido la geometría del edificio, construido con sistemas industrializados.
Located in a residential área of Rio de Janeiro, the building accommodates a cultural center for the Jewish Congregation of Brazil, a center that provides a space for the debate and study of different aspects of Jewish culture in the fields of litera
Oscar Niemeyer’s capacity to create icons is unquestionable: the Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói is perhaps the most recent example of the ‘Niemeyer effect’. Separated from Rio de Janeiro by Guanabara Bay, the city of Niterói was a gloomy place, o
After completing the Sambadrome (1983-1984), stage of the Rio carnival, with the then governor of the city, Leonel Brizola – a leader of the conservative left-wing that returned to power in the first elections after the military period –, Oscar Nieme
Built in the mountains surrounding Rio de Janeiro and far away from the city center, the house on Das Canoas road was designed to become Niemeyer’s home. Before this work, the architect had already built another two houses for himself: in 1942 he des
Considered a landmark of Brazilian architecture, the building is surrounded with symbolism and controversy. Symbolism because it was the first to use modern architecture as metaphor of Brazil’s political and economic transformations, initiated with t
Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro
The mediatic opening and closing ceremonies (including the usual fireworks, which in this case could be watched from favelas as well) did not manage to cover up what truly distinguished the Rio de Janeiro Games from previous Olympics: the absence of
Accompanied by Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and the entire retinue that the consecration of a building slated to symbolize the new Rio de Janeiro deserves, the Spanish architect-engineer Santiago Calatrava inaugurated the Museum of Tomorrow. Tru
Rio de Janeiro was a port of call on Le Corbusier’s way to Argentina in October 1929, and the Swiss architect then likened its urbanization to “filling the tub of the Danaids.” The scenery was not alpine; nonetheless, he found it “violent and sublime
The oeuvre of Paulo Mendes da Rocha can be assessed through three buildings. The projects, separated by a thirty-year interval, all won public competitions. This is the case of the Paulistano Athletic Club Gymnasium (1958), in São Paulo; the Brazilia
Con vistas a la celebración en 2016 de los Juegos Olímpicos la cidade maravilhosa prepara proyectos como el Porto Maravilha, la regeneración de un área degradada de la bahía de Guanabara, donde se alzará el Museo del Mañana, diseñado por el español S
Tras la tensa espera que siguió a la tercera y última vuelta de votaciones de los miembros del Comité Olímpico Internacional, y tras eliminar dos de las cuatro ciudades candidatas a ser la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 —Chicago y Tokio—, la ca
Nuestra vida en el planeta Tierra es una carrera de obstáculos cada vez más difícil. Por una parte, las condiciones ecológicas adversas y la degradación de la naturaleza; por otra, el incremento acelerado de la población carente y desocupada en ciuda