Located between the gardens of the Meiji Shrine – a Shinto sanctuary – and the Imperial Palace, in the heart of Tokyo, the new National Stadium contributes to preserving the natural environment of this historical area through restraint in size and th
Olympic House has officially opened in Lausanne, Switzerland, in a public park that is home to the 18th-century Château de Vidy, on the shore of Lake Geneva. Seeking the highest level of integration with the natural and historical setting, the Danish
The National Stadium is situated in the north of Beijing, on a gentle rise in the center of the Olympic complex. From the beginning of the project, the purpose was to create an urban site with the capacity to attract and generate public activities an
El sistema constructivo del edificio permitirá su desmantelamiento parcial una vez finalizados los Juegos, además de optimizar los materiales y reducir su huella ecológica.
El Centro de Natación se sitúa junto al Estadio Olímpico, y se concibe como un elemento complementario de éste, aludiendo al yin y al yang, en el que uno representa el fuego y el otro el agua, uno lo matérico y el otro lo volátil, uno lo curvo y el o
A 500 metros de la plaza de Tiananmen y de la Ciudad Prohibida, junto al Palacio del Pueblo, en medio de un lago artificial emerge el Gran Teatro Nacional de Pekín. El edificio adopta la forma de medio esferoide envuelto en una cáscara de titanio de
Con la aspiración de diseñar un moderno complejo residencial sostenible para el siglo XXI, nace el proyecto Linked Hybrid. Éste se sitúa junto al primer anillo de circunvalación de Pekín y se concibe como una ciudad dentro de otra ciudad en la que se
The new National Stadium is located on a gentle rise in the center of the Olympic complex. It is conceived as a large collective vessel. The stadium’s appearance is pure structure. Facade and structure are identical. The structural elements mutually
Richard Ingersoll Los preámbulos de los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas han sido de los más emocionantes en la historia del olimpismo, aunque no por los aspectos deportivos, sino por la incertidumbre acerca de la terminación en plazo de las obras y por la
The sight of a blaze on the Seine has historically boded ill, from the conflagration of Pont Marchand in 1621 to that of Notre Dame Cathedral in 2019, by way of the setting of fire on the Palais des Tuileries by men from the Commune. But this 26th of
The French architect Dominique Perrault drew up the masterplan for the complex where the athletes competing in the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be billeted. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, north of the center of Paris, it provides 2,400 lodgi
Close to the Porte de la Chapelle Arena, the Olympic Aquatic Centre is one of the facilities expressly built for the 2024 Olympic and Palalympic Games in Paris. A work of the firms VenhoevenCS and Ateliers 2/3/4, this building in the city of Saint-De
After three years of renovations, the Grand Palais will host the fencing and taekwondo competitions during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Built for the 1900 Universal Exposition, the Grand Palais has been closed since March 2021 for renovations, led b
An Olympic Cauldron was designed based on the concept “All gather under the Sun, all are equal, and all receive energy” by Mansai Nomura, who was the Chief Executive Creative Director of the planning team for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies at the
The opening ceremony for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo has taken place in the Japan National Stadium, a work of Kengo Kuma, which presents a sophisticated composition of timber trusses and vegetation in its galleries. Sport events mark our everyday
The Olympics will return to Australia for a third time with Brisbane formally awarded hosting rights for the 2032 Games after a vote of International Olympic Committee member nations in Tokyo. Wednesday’s decision was a foregone conclusion given Bris
Evoking the events Seville Expo, Barcelona GamesWith the Seville Expo and the Olympic Games of Barcelona, Spain lived in 1992 an annus mirabilis. Twenty-five years later, the two cities have commemorated this anniversary with a crop of exhibitions an
Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro
The mediatic opening and closing ceremonies (including the usual fireworks, which in this case could be watched from favelas as well) did not manage to cover up what truly distinguished the Rio de Janeiro Games from previous Olympics: the absence of
With a ceremony not lacking in copious fireworks and dazzling performances, as the canon for big festivities rules, on 7 February the Winter Olympics opened in the Russian city of Sochi, a popular tourist center located on the Black Sea coast, culmin
In spite of unfounded expectations, Madrid’s bid to host the Olympic Games of 2020 turned out the loser in a race with Tokyo and Istanbul where the Spanish capital was weighed down, most of all, by the economic and political difficulties afflicting a
Construidos como parte de un ambicioso plan urbanístico, los edificios olímpicos son tan ecológicamente sensibles como arquitectónicamente decepcionantes.
Concebido a largo plazo, el plan urbanístico de los Juegos permitirá que Londres crezca hacia el Este, reequilibrando económica y socialmente esa parte de la ciudad.
The most cosmopolitan city will host the Games with the lowest profile. A melting pot of ethnic groups, nations and languages, this financial capital of the world has decided to invest with caution in its third Games. No other city has been Olympic t
Con vistas a la celebración en 2016 de los Juegos Olímpicos la cidade maravilhosa prepara proyectos como el Porto Maravilha, la regeneración de un área degradada de la bahía de Guanabara, donde se alzará el Museo del Mañana, diseñado por el español S
Tras la tensa espera que siguió a la tercera y última vuelta de votaciones de los miembros del Comité Olímpico Internacional, y tras eliminar dos de las cuatro ciudades candidatas a ser la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 —Chicago y Tokio—, la ca
Desde hace ahora una década, el año 2008 se ha dibujado en la imaginación colectiva como el annus mirabilis de China. El motivo ha sido, por supuesto, la celebración de los XXIX Juegos Olímpicos, un acontecimiento que se prefigura como un hito glorio
Hace quince años, ese maestro de la astucia política que era Deng Xiaoping realizó un conocido viaje hacia el sur, desde Pekín hasta Shenzhen, cerca de la frontera con Hong Kong. Fue el momento en que sorteó de manera decisiva a los integrantes del B
The 2008 Olympic Games symbolically endorse China’s protagonism in today’s world: the planet’s largest nation flaunts its economic power and organizational skills through a sports, political and urban event that puts the ‘Middle Kingdom’ at the cente
Madrid, candidata a organizar los Juegos Olímpicos de 2012 y protagonista de un boom inmobiliario que parece no agotarse, se consolida cada vez más como el centro de negocios peninsular, inclinada a su favor la antigua pugna con Barcelona, a la que n