Two curved walls run smoothly through both levels, gently dissociating private and public. A longitudinal axis is highlighted by two metallic masks. Users become actors and spectators...
The site is a corner of a small residential area in Tokyo. It is surrounded by two parks and a long path connecting them, creating an environment that is unique for walking. The project seeks reproducing in the house that pleasant urban itinerary thr
In 1902, in Helensburgh, 30 kilometers west of Glasgow and facing the River Clyde estuary, the Swedish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh built the Hill House as a residence fot the publisher Walter Blackie. As part of a process to preserve the buil
This set of gardens was designed and built for the 11th Sharjah Biennial, directed by the Japanese curator Yuko Hasegawa. After developing a strategy to urbanize the existing heritage area of Sharjah, the design proposed a set of pavilions that compl
Facing the Sicilian coasts and with the imposing presence of Mount Etna in the distance, forty-six freestanding columns stand eight meters tall along the waterfront promenade of Reggio Calabria, forming an orthogonal grid over the sinuous scheme of t
The M Woods Entrance Revitalization is an urban renewal project in the 798 Art Zone of Beijing. The site was originally an abandoned industrial warehouse and then started functioning as an art museum from 2014 onwards. The museum management decided t
Located in an ecological farm alongside the Yang Cheng Lake in Kunshan, not far from Shanghai, the project consists of four small-scale public buildings, the most important ones being the Harvest Pavilion and the visitor center. The Harvest Pavilion,
The sales office is covered with a metallic mesh skin that protects the building from direct sunlight, thus saving energy by optimizing thermal behavior. The steel fabric enhances a subtle and poetic contact between the landscape and the interior...
The site of the residence slightly slopes in both a northward and southward direction. A cyprus pine grove acts as a windbreaker, providing protection against the Australian region’s prevailing southwesterly winds. A 30x30-meter parasol, a light meta
The heart of the new Parque de Vallmora near Masnou (Barcelona) is a large equipped promenade that also serves as a grand balcony or mirador over the city. One of the most unique facilities built in the park is an ‘insect hotel’: a place that provide
Play-time is a project for seven short-term rental apartments in the Madrid district of Ciudad Lineal. The developer chose the place with the idea of searching for ‘an oasis in the middle of the city,’ and the project intends to intensify that condit
Blox is a mixed use building that takes up a strategic position in the historic waterfront of the city, between the culturally rich Slotsholmen district and the city center. The project creates new links between these areas, respecting traffic at str
A stainless steel mesh surrounds the house-study, creating a diffuse border between indoors and outdoors that is enhanced by the moiré effect produced by the duplicity of layers; the changes of wind and light reflect the transitions of time on the f
A light and seemingly infinite brass structure that defragments vertically colonizes the whole building. The project references the lantern concept and its symbolism – light in the dark showing the way – to connect with Asian traditions...
A stainless steel mesh veil envelops the rigid geometry of a white cube located in Seoul’s historic fabric. It blurs the actual and real mass of the geometrical art gallery playing with the shadows, the light reflections and the moiré effect...
The design strategy for the remodeling of the visitors’ pavilion is based on a modular exterior cladding of folded aluminum mesh panels that evokes the wooded environment and reminisces traditional elements such as the garden grates...
Under the idea of the object disappearance in time and memory, the electrical substation and its extension are surrounded by a bamboo forest and gabion meshes that unify the image of the building transforming it into an urban oasis...
The information point, of 300 m², which is part of the provisional urban plan for Glòries, is built with a removable and reusable scaffolding system and surrounded by a triple skin of polycarbonate, shading mesh, and metal mesh. It has an exhibition
Dar Al Jinaa and Dar Al Riffa are two similar buildings, part of an urban renewal project in the historic center of Muharraq in Bahrain. The ambition is to give a public face to the ancient community of pearl divers and their musical and cultural tra
A wavy skin of textile appearance wraps this 134 meter-tall office building located in the district of Hongkou, in Shanghai. The tower contains 95,000 square meters of office space in 29 stories (private units in the higher floors, shared workplaces
The new mechanics hall of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne follows the 7.2 x 3.9 geometric scheme that has defined the campus since it was built in the 1970s. The result of an international competition, the project organizes its 19,000 sq
The plot where this residential building goes up is located in the city of Seville, within the perimeter of its historic center, and more specifically in the east sector – between the Jardines de Murillo and the San Bernardo quarter. Its main facade
Rising 25 meters, the tower is inspired in the pine grove it is inserted into: its structure is formed by five branching pillars distributed randomly, painted in a reddish tone and crowned with platforms bordered by metal meshes...
Ever since human beings began to handle metals around 6,000 B.C., the development of metallurgy has been associated with humanity’s revolutions – not only the technological, but also the economic, social, and cultural ones.
Después de una década dedicados a la experimentación y al desarrollo de nuevos mecanismos de diseño, Cristina Díaz Moreno y Efrén García Grinda han construido, desde su estudio madrileño AMID [cero9] un edificio de programa híbrido para una empresa d
Placing the starting point of Dominique Perrault’s architecture in the concern for materiality seems obvious. The architect has clear preferences: the list of materials used can be reduced to metal, in all its forms, and, of course, glass. There is n