Lagasca 99 is a residential building located on an isolated plot in the Salamanca district of Madrid. As in many other projects, the facades are set out as a consistent reflection of the interior spaces of the building, at least of its floor plan, bu
Located on the left bank of the Seine River, by the National Library, the building is clad with a pixelated skin of wood and vegetation, and arranges a high-end hotel and a youth hostel around a lush interior garden.
With its division into several levels and the variety of spaces generated inside it, this sinuous luxury apartment building located at the intersection of the High Line and West 28th Street in New York City evokes the connections at different altitud
Designed to house a flagship store on PC Hooftstraat – Amsterdam’s luxury brand street, which used to be mainly residential –, this building replaces two traditional houses, transforming their volume to increase the interior space and adapt it to ret
In contrast with the low-rise traditional constructions in the high-end Omotesando district, contemporary buildings raised recently in the area are minimalist boxes that stand out for their height and for their slender and elegant facades. Many of th
Una antigua sede bancaria en el Ensanche barcelonés se reconvierte en un hotel exclusivo: una rampa de acceso ceremonial comunica la calle con lo que fue patio de operaciones.
Geométrico y abstracto como las tapias de la Mezquita Catedral, este nuevo hotel de lujo se presenta como un volumen rojizo a las puertas de la Córdoba amurallada.
Frente a los resorts de paisajes artificiales se propone aprovechar el entorno montañoso natural de Ras al Khaimah. Se diseña un camino de diez kilómetros que conecta puntos singulares a lo largo del cual se distribuyen diez tipologías como el puente
The flagship store of the French fashion, beauty, and haute couture firm is a pristine white box that rises as a freestanding volume in Omotesando, one of the main and most exclusive commercial districts of Tokyo. The building, designed ex profeso to
In the interior of the Western Harbor district of Malmö, the third most important city of Sweden, stretches this 190 meter high tower. This is a renewed urban environment, which through initiatives such as Sweden’s first international housing exhibit
The initial observation of the site revealed two things: on the one hand, the extreme heterogeneity of the area freed from the need to meet any contextual requirements, and on the other, the site was surrounded by a low-rise type of building. No squa
En 1854 Louis Vuitton fundó en París la empresa epónima, dedicada en exclusiva a la fabricación de equipajes. Era la época en que los nuevos medios de transporte —el automóvil, el barco y el avión— habían convertido el viajar en una actividad de ocio
Trazada hace ochenta años como recorrido procesional hacia el santuario Meiji, donde se honra al emperador que puso Japón en la senda de la modernidad, la avenida Omotesando cruza Tokio de este a oeste. La flanquean airosos ejemplares de zelkova u ol
El encargo de nueva torre de 24 plantas en la confluencia de la calle 57 y la Madison Avenue para el emporio francés de artículos de lujo Louis Vuitton / Moët Hennessy planteaba un difícil reto: cómo crear, en un lugar tan emblemático, un icono que c
Marcio Kogan (MK27) is a leader among architects involved in designing luxury homes in Latin American countries, and if this is so, it is because he has known how to combine the refinement of modern abstraction, the warmth of the finest materials, a
The obsession for upscale apartments has reached a new peak in New York City with the tower at 432 Park Avenue that the Uruguayan architect Rafael Viñoly (with offices in New York, Palo Alto, London, Manchester, Abu Dhabi, and Buenos Aires) recently
When the Twin Towers of the original World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan were felled by fundamentalist fanaticism, many augured the end of high-rise construction. But the stubborn economy always contradicts predictions and soon came two new wave
Of course the Count de Buffon would not have had such a strange subject in mind when he wrote that “style is the man himself.” But the statement could well apply to Peter Marino, the New York designer who, a graduate of Cornell University, worked in
Herzog y de Meuron han diseñado una torre de apartamentos de 116 metros de altura que albergará 129 viviendas de lujo en el distrito central de la capital libanesa, una zona comercial y residencial que está experimentando un fuerte desarrollo. El edi
Spanish children of the fifties were denied all whims with a bold sentence, ‘this is not America!’, which was often followed by another that said more or less the same, ‘we are not millionaires!’ Half a century later, these kinds of exclamations are
Zaha Hadid’s Mobile Art Pavilion, commissioned by Chanel, sits in Hong Kong Harbor, its smooth, curving white form filled with contemporary artist’s musings on the fashion house’s iconic quilted clutches. The mobile pavilion – ready to bring its show
Si nuestra Arcadia feliz es el mall temático de paisajismo acolchado, seguridad a prueba de bombas y shopping ubicuo, Dubai y Abu Dhabi ofrecen un anticipo de esa tierra prometida en pos de la que atravesamos el desierto los aldeanos globales: hace y
As your jet starts its descent, you are glued to your window. The scene below is astonishing: a 24-square-mile archipelago of coral-colored islands in the shape of an almost finished puzzle of the world. In the shallow green waters between continents
Incluso de noche los taxis y las limusinas, que en fila aguardan a los clientes frente al aeropuerto de Dubai, mantienen en marcha sus motores. El viajero al caminar a su lado, recibe sofocantes bocanadas de aire caliente y también la primera noticia
Ad Architecture On the threshold of the nineties, Rem Koolhaas brought architecture closer to advertising with the swimmers who decorated the media launching of the Villa Dall’Ava. Like his friend Laurinda Spear in the DuPont ad, “great architecture.