1Hotel Complex, Paris, París
Kengo KumaLocated on the left bank of the Seine River, by the National Library, the building is clad with a pixelated skin of wood and vegetation, and arranges a high-end hotel and a youth hostel around a lush interior garden.

Obra Work
complejo 1hotel 1Hotel Complex
Arquitectos Architects
Kengo Kuma & Associates (concepto global y 1Hotel global concept and 1Hotel); Kengo Kuma, Matthieu Wotling (socios encargados partners in charge); Miruna Constantinescu (jefe de proyecto chief project manager); Veronica Bonnani, Hagai Ben Naim, Nicolas Cazali, Paolo Amato (equipo de proyecto project team) —Kengo Kuma & Associates—; Marchi Architects (Slo Living Hostel); Adelaide Marchi, Nicola Marchi (asociados associates); Isotta Lercari, Marta Guedan, Xiang Li (equipo team) —Marchi Architects—
Colaboradores Collaborators
Atelier Georges (paisajista landscaper); Compagnie de Phalsbourg & Station F (inversor investor), 1Hotel, Slo Living Hostel, Bellevilloise, Nuage Café (operadores operator); Arcadis, Freyssinet, Oteis (estructuras structure engineering); Lamoureux Acoustics (acústica acoustics); ITF Bruno Georges (sostenibilidad sustainability); Redman (asistente de gestión de proyecto project management assistance)
Imágenes Images
Luxigon - MIR