A wooden prism stands on the edge of a cycling lane that stretches through a Bavarian forest, providing a place to stop and rest in that also encourages meditation and recollection. On a base of concrete, solid trunks are stacked and flattened vertic
The British architect John Pawson has turned a World War II telecommunications bunker in the central Berlin neighborhood of Kreuzbweg into a private museum containing the Désiré Feuerle Collection. The sobriety of the military installations engages i
The old Commonwealth Institute in Kensington, West London, will be the home of new Design Museum, tripling the exhibition space of its old headquarters in Shad Thames – and which now contains the Zaha Hadid archives. John Pawson (Halifax, Yorkshire,
The replacement of glass with onyx, the white plaster of the surfaces, and the new pieces of furniture give the interior of the church an atmosphere so mystic as to be minimalist.
La residencia de vacaciones se sitúa sobre los ondulantes campos de trigo y cebada de la región de Skåne, en el extremo sur de la península sueca, en un lugar cerca de la costa desde donde se puede divisar el mar en el horizonte. La belleza de este p
Telluride, in the state of Colorado, is covered in snow during most of the year. The local houses, orderly arranged around the orthogonal grid that the founders of this mining town devised in the nineteenth century, stubbornly reproduce the archetypa
At the beginning of the nineties ten young men abandoned what was then Czechoslovakia to follow their religious convictions and enter the Cistercian abbey of Sept-Fons, in Burgundy. At the end of that same decade, the increasing number of Czech monks
Better known in past times for its agriculture and stockbreeding, Essex is a region to the northwest of London that due to its landscape and the increasing price of housing in the capital is now becoming the place of residence of many artists and fre
Siempre con mirada activista, Ai Weiwei reflexiona en el Design Museum sobre el valor de los objetos cotidianos y sus procesos de fabricación.
ARCHITECTURE in capital letters, architecture conceived to last long, was mostly sacred architecture. The origins of the discipline are confused with religious rituals. In fact, the first architect of history, Imhotep – who built the pyramid of Saqqa
We can now again visit the Design Museum of London, at its new location. The complex project has taken ten years to carry out in full, and in the virtual absence of public funding, this would probably not have been possible without the determination
Demographics can partly explain the growth of spiritual needs in the Germany of the present, but how has architecture responded to this unexpected return to religion?
It might first seem like another illustrated book or photo book. Suffice it to recall the visual panoramas published by Alberto Sartoris or the national examples of fotoscops, a work of the Prats-Gomis-Sert (1967–72). The publication is produced wit
El británico John Pawson, inevitablemente etiquetado como ‘minimalista’ antes y después del auge de dicho movimiento, se expone en el Design Museum de Londres, bajo la dirección de Deyan Sudjic. ‘Plain Space’ recoge en austeros paneles obras de los t
El arquitecto británico John Pawson ha realizado, junto a la empresa italiana Salvatori, el pabellón ‘House of stone’, exhibido en el espacio Think Tank durante la Semana del Diseño de Milán. Para la realización de la casa se ha utilizado piedra rec
Con una introducción a cargo del que fue anfitrión en su reciente exposición del IVAM, Kosme de Barañano, esta monografía de factura contenida editada originalmente por Phaidon incorpora textos de, entre otros, Bruce Chatwin y Deyan Sudjic. La fe des
En 1992, la editorial Gili publicó una monografía de John Pawson, un británico con el alma zen discípulo de Shiro Kuramata. Pawson es autor de una obra escasa y exquisita, que se identifica con el minimalismo elegante y urbano de Calvin Klein, para e