Part of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York, the Juilliard School and Alice Tully Hall occupy a brutalist-style building carried out by the Italian architect Pietro Belluschi in 1969. Besides enlarging the built area, the renovation ai
Though alvar Aalto had a lifelongrelationship with the United States, it was particularly intense in the forties thanks to a series of prolonged stays. The first was in 1940, at the height of war in his country, when he busied himself with activities
The Guggenheim Museum is the paradigm of original creation by an artist confronting the conventions of his times. Obtaining a building permit proved difficult, but when he finally got it, Wright expressed his satisfaction: “I ’ve been designing this
The s.c. Johnson company became in 1917 the first American firm to share profits with its workers. Thanks to Glo-Coat, a self-polishing floor wax product, it successfully surpassed the Depression of the early thirties, and Herbert F Johnson, Jr., gra
Edgar j. kaufmann was the owner of a prosperous department store chain in the Pittsburgh area. His son, working as one of Wright's apprentices at the Taliesin Fellowship, convinced him to fund the construction of the Broadacre City model for a nation
Aline barnsdall, an oil heiress consumed by a love for the dramatic arts, acquired a tract of land on ‘Olive Hill’on which to make true her desire to be a patroness of the arts. Originally the project included a theater for live drama, another for m
Photographs from the Pioneers of American Modernism exhibition of works by the outstanding American architectural photographer Ezra Stoller – on at the Lumiere Brothers Centre, Moscow until 2 December. The display includes black and white photos of p
Obsession with geometry, precision, and clear lines characterizes the work of Ezra Stoller, one of the great photographers of architecture.
Two of the most important photographers in the dissemination of modern architecture were Ezra Stoller and Balthazar Korab. The parallelisms between their careers stem from their being contemporaries, from their prior training as architects, and from
Cuando Arthur Erickson nació en Vancouver en 1924, la ciudad acababa de cumplir 38 años. Inmerso en un entorno natural con densos bosques de abetos casi milenarios, cedros de treinta metros de alto y una rica floresta, rodeado de ríos y el océano Pac
En un año aciago para la humanidad en general y para el mundo de la fotografía en particular, el pasado 29 de octubre también nos ha dejado Ezra Stoller, posiblemente el fotógrafo de arquitectura más famoso de todos los tiempos. Gracias a su indiscut
Aquel empuje radical de la modernidad no encontró fácil acomodo en los países nórdicos; su pretendida universalidad no encajaba bien entre un pueblo reacio a perder su identidad y tradiciones. Y, de algún modo, tuvo que despiezar su vocación de total
En 1925 Marcel Breuer se compró su primera bicicleta y enseguida intuyó las posibilidades del tubo de acero cromado para realizar muebles. Con apenas 23 años, acababa de ser contratado como Joven Maestro de Taller en la Bauhaus, recién trasladada a D
Después de la II Guerra Mundial, los arquitectos del Movimiento Moderno barrieron América usando el Estilo Internacional, sustituyendo lo que consideraban construcciones anticuadas por otras nuevas, funcionales y carentes de ornamento. Medio siglo de
On the anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, the images of the European union are contrasted with the symbols of American independence.
We take from the art of the past what we need. The variable posthumous reputations of even the greatest artists and the unpredictable revivals of interest in even the most obscure ones tend to reveal more about those who make revisionist assessments