Fernando Chueca Goitia
The Spanish Council of Architectural Associations has honoured the 83 year old architect and historian Fernando Chueca Goitia with its Gold Medal, in recognition of his “relevant contribution to the theory and history of architecture and urbanism, both as a teacher and a writer, illustrated in his constant and outstanding dedication to the diffusion of Spanish heritage.” Graduated in 1936, Chueca Goitia has published over fifty books – among those, Vernacular Invariants in Spanish Architecture and A Brief History of Urbanism, – has taught for over 30 years, and has dedicated most of his time to restoration projects. His is one of the extensions to the Prado Museum, where he is a Board member, the renovation of the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla or the Charles V Palace in Granada. During the last few years, he has dedicated most of his energy to finishing Madrid’s Cathedral of Almudena. A member of the Royal Fine Arts Academy, Chueca Goitia is a defendant of conservative architecture with his desire not to modify the character of the setting and his faithful imitation of the forms of the past.