Alberto Campo Baeza
In October, the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) gave its most important award, the Gold Medal, to Alberto Campo Baeza, one of the most prominent architects in Spain and also one the country’s most influential professors. Since 1981, the CSCAE gives its Gold Medal to people or institutions that have contributed significantly to the defense of the interests of architecture, or to architects who have carried out relevant work in the field, as was the case, without a doubt, of Campo Baeza. The jury of the Medal – presided by Juan Antonio Ortiz Orueta, with members like Juan Navarro Baldeweg and Francisco Jarauta Marión – praised “the coherence of his career;” a career which brings together “the production of an abstract and rational work, and the attention to the perception of architecture, especially the visual exploration of the created spaces.” Campo Baeza was born in Valladolid in 1946, he has been chair professor at the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM), is a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and has been distinguished with the National Architecture Award and the Tessenow Medal, among other honors.