
CSCAE Gold Medal 2012


Javier Carvajal

Created to acknowledge “individuals and institutions that enhance and ennoble architectural activity”, the Gold Medal of the Council of Spanish Architectural Associations for 2012 went to Javier Carvajal. Born in Barcelona in the year 1926, Carvajal attended the Madrid School of Architecture and graduated in 1953 with top honors for his Final Project. His teaching vocation led him to be very active in the schools of Madrid, Barcelona and Pamplona, while his over forty years of professional practice has yielded buildings like the Spanish Pavilion at the 1964 New York World’s Fair (which that year earned him the Best Foreign Work award of the American Institute of Architects); the Carvajal House in Somosaguas (1964-1965), the Valencia Tower (1970) and the Zoo at the Casa de Campo Park (1968-1970), all three in Madrid; or the Prince of Asturias Hotel on the grounds of Seville’s Expo 92 (1989). The Gold Medal, which the CSCAE gives every two years, had in previous editions gone to Manuel Gallego, Juan Navarro Baldeweg and Rafael Moneo.

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