Nocaima is a remote community of just twenty families scattered along a mountain path that negotiates its way amongst dense forests and sugar cane and coffee plantations. The villagers tend to form terraces when building their homes, following the to
Based on the combination of vernacular methods and materials and digital techniques, the bamboo village represents a natural, artisanal, and socioeconomic utopia.
Developed to establish an exchange between local craftsmen, builders, architects, students, and visitors, Atelier Gando was initiated under the organization of Francis Kéré with the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio in Switzerland. The Atelier w
Located on around 5,000 hectares of cattle ranch in Fishtail, Montana, at the northern edge of Yellowstone National Park, the Tippet Rise Art Center is a new destination for art, where music, sculpture, and architecture engage in dialogue with the po
Built with prefabricated components made with bits of ceramic and recycled glass mixed with mortar, the lattice stretches the whole breadth of the lot without touching the ground.
Located on the outskirts of Koudougou, the third most populated city of Burkina Faso, the new Lycée Schorge building draws inspiration from traditional settlements in this part of West Africa, offering reinterpretations of vernacular building materia
Erected with artisanal materials and methods for less than 80,000 pounds, the modular building can be dismantled completely and the reassembled in another location.
The semi-open courtyard and the timber latticeworks with patterns inspired in Islamic motifs, create a warm and friendly atmosphere for refugees arriving in Germany.
Abandoned for many decades, to the point of extreme disrepair, the Kulm Eispavilion in the Alpine resort village of St. Moritz – built in 1905 and used as venue of the Olympic Winter Games held in 1928 and 1948 – has been refurbished with two princi
This project that has the ability to turn to compost, leaving no remains, is formed by a multifunctional room, a surrounding bench and a timber structure that has enough depth to form niches, an alcove and colorful windows with solid frames...
Dedicada al santo suizo Nicolás von der Flüe (1417-1487), conocido como hermano Klaus, la capilla fue encargada por la familia de granjeros Hermann-Josef Scheidtweiler y su esposa Trudel. Construida en su mayor parte por ellos mismos con la ayuda de
Balkrishna Doschi, a master of modernity and teacher of several generations of Indian architects, is the latest receipient of the Pritzker Prize.
Fingers save us from the digital. Beyond the etymological paradox, the reality they perceive serves as material support before the unsettling evanescence of the virtual. When the context dissolves into pixels or bits, the tactile recovers the sense o
When they are misused, digital media can come to separate human knowledge from the manual, direct, and repetition-based learning on which the crafts have always been founded.
Two centuries ago, Immanuel Kant observed, almost in passing, that "the hand is the window of the mind". Modern science has tried to confirm this fruitful idea, as has art and, in many ways, architecture as well. But while for the former the study of
There was a time in our evolving society when the making of things was considered not only honourable but was inextricably linked to their aesthetics. Perhaps, in retrospect, that is why we see integrity and consistency in the work of those individua
A very personal journey, traversing the 20th century, of a man who was upright, modest, generous, discreet, silently attentive, with no other a priori than an intimate knowledge of material and precision-strong mastery of his craft. As involved and r
A principios de octubre se despidió del mundo uno de los mejores arquitectos que ha dado el continente americano en el siglo XX. Ha sido la suya, quizá, la trayectoria profesional más representativa del ámbito iberoamericano que ha mantenido, durante
A sus setenta años cumplidos, Renzo Piano es un personaje único en la cultura arquitectónica. En Italia, su país de origen, encarna —más en el mundo profesional y académico— el proverbio ‘nadie es profeta en su tierra’, mientras que en el resto del m
¿Artesanía o industria? La chapa metálica se ofrece hoy con formas muy diversas que responden a los últimos avances tecnológicos en producción y puesta en obra. Sin dejar de lado las soluciones artesanas, la chapa se ha convertido en un producto que