Timmerhuis, Rotterdam
OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture- Type Headquarters / office Town Hall / City Hall / Government Housing
- Material Aluminum Glass
- Date 2009 - 2015
- City Rotterdam
- Country Netherlands
- Photographer Ossip van Duivenbode Marco Cappelletti Sebastian van Damme

Located in the center of Rotterdam, the Timmerhuis is a new building for the city hall that accommodates services, offices, residential units, shops, and parking. Attached to another municipal building from 1953, the new building adjusts to its neighbor by keeping the same floor slab levels. The project is generated as a repetition of modular units gradually set back from the street as they rise into two irregular peaks. The building’s composition of smaller cells creates a complex and impressive shape, but whose presence is perfectly moderated with the setbacks. The innovative structural system generates maximum efficiency and versatility: units can adapt either office space or residential parameters, and units can be added or dismounted as the demands on the building change over time. The structure consists of three-dimensional Vierendeel beams, that free up the street space creating an open public plinth towards the city. The brief asked for a sustainable building, achieved through two large atriums connected to a climate system that stores warmth and cold to control temperature as required. The facade uses hi-tech translucent insulation that allows for energy efficiency.

Cliente Client
Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam
Arquitecto Architect
OMA / Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Alex de Jong, Katrien van Dijk (asociado responsable associate in charge)
Concurso Competition Phase
Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Mark Veldman (jefe de proyecto project leader); Pascual Bernad de Castro, Vilhelm Christensen, Alessandro De Santis, Katrien van Dijk, Jake Sadler Forster, David Gianotten, Andrea Giannotti, Alasdair Graham, Mendel Robbers, Dirk Peters, Tsuyoshi Nakamoto, Timur Shabaev, Yuri Suzuki, Milos Zivkovic (equipo team)
Concepto Schematic Design
Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Alex de Jong (asociado responsable associate in charge); Mark Veldman (jefe de proyecto project leader); Philippe Braun, Tom Tang, Andrew Linn, Peter Rieff (equipo team)
Diseño preliminar Preliminary Design
Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Alex de Jong (asociado responsable associate in charge); Philippe Braun, Clarisa Garcia Fresco, Maaike Hawinkels, Takeshi Murakuni, Ross O’Connell, Mafalda Rangel, Peter Rieff, Carolien Schippers, Saskia Simon, Sakine Dicle Uzunyayla, Lucia Zamponi, Grisha Zotov (equipo team)
Proyecto básico Design Development
Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Alex de Jong (asociado responsable associate in charge); Cock Peterse (arquitecto responsable project architect); Philippe Braun, Jorge Campos, Elle Gerdeman, Sebastian Janusz, Debora Mateo, Elida Mosquera, Sarah Moylan, Vitor Oliveira, Ryan Peeters, Mafalda Rangel, Peter Rieff, Carolien Schippers, Saskia Simon (equipo team)
Proyecto de ejecución Executive Project
Reinier de Graaf (socio partner); Alex de Jong, Katrien van Dijk (asociados responsables associates in charge); Cock Peterse (arquitecto responsable project architect); Philippe Braun, Vitor Oliveira, Mafalda Rangel, Peter Rieff, Elida Mosquera, Magdalena Stanescu (equipo team)
Interiorismo Interiors
Saskia Simon, Katrien van Dijk (arquitecto responsable project architect); Maaike Hawinkels, Sebastian Janusz, Sarah Moylan, Ross O’Connell, Vitor Oliveira, Ryan Peeters, Mafalda Rangel, Deborah Richmond, Magdalena Stanescu, Lucia Zamponi (equipo team)
Colaboradores de concurso Collaborators Competition
ABT (ingeniería engineering); Werner Sobek Green Technologies (sostenibilidad sustainability); PRC (costes cost consultant)
Colaboradores Collaborators Post-Competition
ABT (arquitecto local local architect); Brinkgroep BV (project manager); Pieters Bouwtechniek (estructuras structures); Deerns Raadgevende (instalaciones MEP); DGMR Bouw (sostenibilidad, acústica, protección contra incendios y seguridad sustainability, physics, acoustics, fire consultant, security); Deerns, Burgers Ergon (servicios services); Scheldbouw, Rollecate (fachada facade); Heijmans (constructor contractor); Keijsers Lundiform (constructor de interiores interior contractor)
Fotos Photos
Marco Cappelletti; Ossip van Duivenbode; Sebastian van Damme