Laser Laboratories Building, University of Iowa
Frank Gehry 

Laser Laboratories Building, University of Iowa

Frank Gehry 

A university building on the banks of the Iowa River, dedicated to laser beam research: such is the project that raises questions about Frank Gehry's manner. It is a medium-sized building for functional and institutional use. An exercise that represents a formidable qualitative leap over those of smaller volume and those with a more varied and reduced program. A type of exercise where many architects, masters of the domestic and the peculiar, have lost their way...[+]

Universidad de Iowa

Equipo de diseñoDesign team
David Denton; Robert Weiser; C. Gregory Walsh; Tom Duley

Herbert, Lewis, Kruse, Blunck (arquitectos asociadosassociated architects); Structural Consultants, PC (estructurasstructures); Kimmel-Jensen-Wegerer-Wray PC (instalacionesinstallations); Cost-Planning-Management-International (dirección de obraconstruction management)