Palestinian Museum, Birzeit, West Bank
Heneghan Peng Architects 

Palestinian Museum, Birzeit, West Bank

Heneghan Peng Architects 

Access to the premises is through terraces that are part of the actual visitor experience: a transition from the surrounding arid territory into dry-farming orchards and aromatic gardens that revive agricultural traditions.

Adopting the same topographical character of the outdoor spaces, the building is clad in local limestone and keeps a low profile along a crest, opening out to planters as well as to an open-air amphitheater...[+]

Museo Palestino
Palestinian Museum, Birzeit, West Bank

Taawon-Welfare Association

Heneghan Peng Architects

Lara Zureikat (paisajismo landscape); Projacs International (gestión de proyecto project management); Arup Arabtech Jardaneh (instalaciones y protección contra incendios MEP services and fire protection); AECOM, Arabtech Jardaneh (aparejador quantity surveyor); T/E/S/S (fachada facade); Bartenbach Lichtlabor (iluminación lighting)

3.500 m²

18.900.000 €

Iwan Baan