A faceted building in the middle of a landscape of terraces has the mission of preserving the memory of a people currently displaced and dispersed, but strongly united in identity.
A formwork made out of polystyrene blocks carved by robots permits placing the 300 pieces that conform the self-supporting vault, each one with four sloping sides that make the assembly possible; this research will be used to build a residence for ar
The Abu Hindi Bedouin community is composed of two main camps, one south of Jerusalem and the other in the West Bank, besides several isolated smaller groups, which together make up a population of 2,700. One of these camps, located south of an Isra
The tragedy in Gaza is summed up in one image. The Palestinian photographer Mohammed Salem captured with his camera the mourning of the world through two figures intertwined by pain: the 36-year-old woman Inas Abu Maamar embraces the body of her five
Many are the metaphors that have been used to describe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the trials and tribulations of the Middle East: time bomb, lion’s den, hornet’s nest, and so on and so forth. In the way that they each suggest something dist
Lisson Gallery has indefinitely put on hold an exhibition of new works by the Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei, which had been due to open in London this week, following a statement posted by Ai on social media relating to the Israel-Hamas war.
Like Samson in his captivity, Israel is eyeless in Gaza. Captured and blinded, the Israeli hero regained his phenomenal strength to tear down the columns that held up the temple and make his enemies perish with him. The Biblical story inspired a poem
This magazine has tried to cover the events that have marked our time, and so we did with the destruction of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers by the 9/11 attacks, the urbicide in the Balkan Wars, the lockdown during the pandemic, and the ongoing
Israel and Palestine
Israel, Palestine: October 7. As with other historic events, such as 9/11, the pandemic, or the Ukraine war, Arquitectura Viva has with a journalistic spirit sought to take stock of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which came to a head on 7 Oct